Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The New York Stock Market - 1635 Words
The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing,†is a relevant quote relating to the stock market during the 1920s quoted by Phillip Fisher, one of the most influential investors. The booming years of the 1920s, stocks and bonds were being sold at higher values than people could invest. Customers, banks and investors took money out of their pink piggy banks and embarked on investing in the New York Exchange Stock Exchange, nicknamed â€Å"Big Board†, on Wall Street. The New York Stock Exchange is the leading global exchange for today’s companies and customers. The New York Stock Exchange got gigantic demands from customers in the 1920s for a thrill of getting rich and effortless money. Investment companies and bankers bought up great stocks. They continued buying stocks and borrowing loans because they thought this boom would continue. The stock market grew rapidly as prosperity came into play during the 1920 s since America want all these new and exciting products. The 1920s can appear to be described as the â€Å"years of prosperity†. New inventions and technology began to gleam in the 1920s, resulting with the rise in consumerism. The celebration of technology and rise in consumerism contributed to the selling of stocks and bonds, and the formation of â€Å"Black Thursday†and â€Å"Black Tuesday†. America had many methods that took place as they would continue to confide in the stock market for their loans and finances. For example,Show MoreRelatedThe New York Stock Market1251 Words  | 6 Pages Mentioned the words stock market to anyone in the United States and you are likely to get a vast array of comments, from excitement over making lots of money, to anger of losing lots of money. Everyone seems to have an opinion about the stock market, yet only about 50 percent of Americans are invested in the stock market. A troubling aspect is that few individuals actually understand how the stock market works. These individuals are taking a risk by investing in stocks that they do not trulyRead MoreThe Stock Security Market : The New York Stock Exchange761 Words  | 4 PagesThe New York Stock Exchange The stock exchange is a global network that organizes the marketplace where every day a large amount of money moves from one investor to another with the main purpose of making a profit. There are several security markets in the United States, but one of the largest security exchanges market is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The NYSE is an auction market that uses floor traders to make most of its trades. It has two methods of trading, the traditional floor brokersRead MoreFinancial Markets And The New York Stock Exchange1032 Words  | 5 PagesFinancial markets can have several different meaning to many people. They are found all over the world. Some are small and some are large. For example, the New York Stock Exchange, which trade trillions of dollars daily. A financial market is a place where buyers and sellers trade financial securities and other assets.Here, the groups of agents meet to exchange their goods or services. The first group is referred to as lenders, while t he second group is referred to as the borrowers of funds. FinancialRead MoreThe National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ) and the New York Stock1300 Words  | 6 PagesAutomated Quotations (NASDAQ) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) are two of the largest and most known stock exchanges across the globe. Both of these stock exchanges handles and mediates the trade, sale, and purchasing of different stocks, bonds, and securities. While both of these stock exchanges have their own unique methods and forms of purchasing and selling stocks, they both serve the same purpose and function, which is a marketplace for the sales of stocks. While the differences between NYSERead MoreThe History of the Stock Market Essay830 Words  | 4 PagesThe History of the Stock Market In the beginning, there was no real stock market. However stock exchanges did take place in smaller groups and corporations. This all took place during the 1700s where stocks were already around for a long time before that but it wasnt really popular in the United States. Stocks originally started as auctions where traders called out names of companies and the shares available. There was a auction that took place and the shares went to the highest biddersRead MoreWall Street : The New York Stock Exchange1117 Words  | 5 PagesWithin New York City, Wall Street is concentrated with most of United States’ financial industries. Through different movies, such as Leonardo DiCaprio’s Wolf of Wall Street and Charlie Sheen’s Wall Street accurately portray the heart of Wall Street: The New York Stock Exchange. The New York Stock Exchange began on May 17, 1792, the earliest record of organized securities trading. On that day, twenty-four brokers signed the Buttonwood A greement, setting a floor commission rate of 0.25% charged toRead MoreThe Stock Market: A Valuable Gamble693 Words  | 3 PagesThe stock market is a lot like gambling because people can win big money if they are lucky enough. The stock market plays a pivotal role in the growth of the industry and commerce of the country and eventually affects the economy of the country to a great extent. If a company want to raise funds for further expansion or setting up a new business venture, it has to either take a loan from a financial organization, or they have to issue shares through the stock market. Student of the economy shouldRead MoreStock Market Crash of 1929 Essay878 Words  | 4 Pagessignaled a new era after the end of World War 1; an era of hopefulness when many people invested their money that was under the mattresses at home or in the bank. In the 1920s, the stock market reputation did not appear to be a risky investment, until 1929. First noticeable in 1925, the stock market prices began to rise as more people invested their money. During 1925 and 1926, the stock prices vacillated but in 1927, it had an upward trend. The stock market boom had started by 1928. The stock market wasRead MoreThe Stock Markets Impact on Our Lives Essay1359 Words  | 6 PagesIt’s the New York Stock Exchange and has been trading stocks since 1817. The stock market has a definite impact on our lives (just ask those who lived during The Great Depression.) It is an institution that has made people unfathomably wealthy, along with impossibly poor. Today the New York Stock Exchange has over 2,300 different companies trading stock valued at just over 16 trillion dollars. Currently there are over one hundred unique stock exchanges throughout the world. A Stock exchangeRead MoreThe Stock Market And Stock Exchange1500 Words  | 6 Pagesencompass the importance of the U.S stock market/stock exchange versus the Chinese stock market/ stock exchange, with a brief introduction about how each stock market/stock exchange came into existence, the importance of each stock market/stock exchange, how the U.S and Chinese manage their stock markets/stock exchange, how corporations are appointed plus the rules and regulations. This will also entail random facts about each stock market/stock exchange. Stock markets are like hitting a royal flush,
Monday, December 16, 2019
Naturalistic Observation Free Essays
Naturalistic observation happens when they are studied naturally, which means the observer cannot control the conditions. The structured observations are set up to provoke certain behaviors of interest. These most of the time are not normal behaviors for the children who are being observed. We will write a custom essay sample on Naturalistic Observation or any similar topic only for you Order Now The benefits of using naturalistic observation is the fact that there are no factors that are making the child act different. This could limit though the responses that you get from the child because they don’t know what you are doing, and they may make themselves act a little different because they are being observed. I believe that using naturalistic observation is a good way because you can see naturally how the child is and what they do without any directions or orders. The benefits of using structured observations are you asking the children questions or giving them tasks and kind of being prepared for what they may do. This helps you compare data of children of the same age on what they would do. Structured observation This method had limits because the children aren’t acting as they would naturally, yes, they have the freedom to answer the questions to their desire or perform the task as they wish, but that isn’t how the child is naturally. This type of observation is kind of controlled observation, which could make the child feel more nervous than just getting observed. The observation style that I agree with is the naturalistic observation. I say this because you get to see how the child is naturally, without any limitations. This could help you compare the acts of children with disabilities versus the children without disabilities. Using naturalistic observation, it allows you to see the true actions and emotions of the child because you don’t have any restraints or objectives of the observation. How to cite Naturalistic Observation, Essays Naturalistic Observation Free Essays Naturalistic observation is considered as one of the basic methods in psychological research and study. This fundamental research methodology is known to divulge and aid the psychologist in his or her critical analysis of the human behavior and characteristics while in socially acceptable public domain in his or her course of interacting with other individuals in their aspect of addressing their sociological needs. In this aspect of human interaction, psychologist try to significantly analyze the human nature as shown by their actions both involving the verbal and non-verbal communication style and how individuals manifest their motives while adhering to the social values and cultures pertaining to public communication. We will write a custom essay sample on Naturalistic Observation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Naturalistic observation is commonly an actual observation of subjects mainly while they are in their course of social interaction specifically while they are in the public place. In the course of implementing this method, the researcher must also observe social values and cultural manners thus preventing any offensive act during the observation. In addition, the concept of personal privacy and inappropriate intrusion should also be constantly observed while the researcher is observing the subjects. All of these limitations must be implemented while the researcher observed the subjects in an isolated nature keeping his or her presence unnoticed and ideally absent to the personal space of the subject during their interaction. The only aspect to be focused on in this project is the psychological behavior of the subject as manifested by their very intricate details such as gestures, voice, reaction, facial expression and impression and others. Project: Naturalistic Observation In this aspect of applying the method of naturalistic observation during an actual psychological study, this author conducted a personal project using the said methodology. In this study, the researcher particularly this author will try to support the psychological hypothesis postulated by Aronson (et al, 2004) and Lesko (2000) regarding the psychological behavior and actions of individuals during an actual social interaction. This hypothesis will significantly govern the psychological observation project and will guide the researcher in establishing an interactional pattern as observed through the subjects. In this observation, the researcher presumptively hypothesized that the dominant speaker in the first part of the conversation will likely speak more frequently in the later part of the conversation. The chosen subjects are a man and a woman both Caucasians who are dining in a restaurant and are observably conversing with each other regarding a specific matter which both of them can relate. It is very apparent from the observable verbal and non-verbal aspect of their communication that the topic they are conversing is very critical as they both stresses their own involvement and awareness to it. Verbal recording is not very likely in this situation as an attempt to push this is prevented by the environment and the situation at hand however, few notes of recorded key words denotes that they are talking about a legal and ethical issue in their work environment. Words mentioned such as â€Å"management†, â€Å"chief-of-executives†, â€Å"a settlement bargain†and â€Å"what the labor union ought to do†will denote that they are both involve in the same job and in the same issue they are both probably working with. This will suggests that the situation is likely an informal meeting between the two, possible from different party, to discuss some important details regarding their business issue or a settlement for the resolution of their topic. This is established to be informal by the researcher as suggested by their attire as they are into casual wear. In non-verbal observation, the actions and gestures of the subjects will denote that they are with a professional background as their etiquettes and manners are significantly refined for the matter (Aronson et al, 2004; Lesko, 2000). In addition, their gesture mainly the speaker, at their specific chances, will suggests a clear and direct emphasis on his or her point thus suggesting that their topic is indeed of high importance (Lesko, 2000). This concept is further followed with the high intention of the other to listen carefully and then reply with his or her personal opinion on the matter with a language that is concise and direct to the point. The observed intonations and voice volume is noticeably well modulated suggesting that both of the subjects as well versed in the field of the topic and that they are cautious of offending the other. With critical and empirical observation of the subjects, this researcher has noted that the man seems to be speaking more frequently while the woman speaks primarily in response to the man’s idea. This factor suggests that the man has the part of proposal or he is the one with the main intention for the meeting, which is likely established by him. The verbal aspect of the woman can thus be regarded to be as a commentary or a supplementary mean in this conversation making her the character that the proposal is focused with. In the aspect of considering the hypothesis that is previously stated, the man is postulated to speak more frequently in the following period. And in the observed subjects, the man is indeed noted to have spoken more frequently than the woman, which establishes the hypothesized interactional pattern in the social behavior of the observed individuals. Conclusion As observed in the conducted naturalistic observation, it has been determined by this author that social interaction of individuals are indeed influenced by their natural nature and motives manifesting through the creation of the dominant speaker and the other being the receiver. The person who has the greater aim and intention in each social interaction who is more likely than one who established the said meeting has the greater possibility of becoming the main speaker in the conversation. On the other hand, the other party becomes the main receiver as his or her speech becomes supplementary or commentary with that of the other. Thus, in social interaction, it is very likely that one party manifest as the dominant side to guide and focus the conversation as he or she has the greater intention in the said interaction. Bibliography Aronson, E. Wilson T. D. Akert R. M. (2004). Social Psychology. Prentice Hall, NY, USA. 5th Edition. Lesko, W. A. (2000). Readings in Social Psychology: General, Classic and Contemporary Selections. Allyn and Bacon, Boston, USA. 5th Edition. How to cite Naturalistic Observation, Essays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The United Kingdom - A Sophisticated Retail Sector
Question: Demonstrate the influence of environmental and behavioural factors on corporate size, structure and strategy. Understand the processes of business planning and policy making and the reason for change over time. Appreciate the effects of government policies towards monopolies and restrictive practices. Answer: Introduction Carrefour founded in 1959 by Marcel Fournier and Louis Defforey now operates as a multinational retailer based on the food and grocery sector. The company recorded current annual revenue of 75.86 billion Euro during 2014 based on operating along its 10,101 locations based along different countries. The paper reflects on the international expansion plans of the French retailer in the foreign market of United Kingdom. Macro and Micro Environmental Factors in UK Market Analysis of Macro Environment Political Impacts The current government of United Kingdom focuses on enhancing the buyer potential of the residents through the generation of larger income opportunities for the different households. Increased flow of money to the hands of the UK households would help in encouraging the consumers to continue their buying spree from the retail outlets. The analysis of the political impacts thus reflects a positive impact on the food retail sector in United Kingdom(Retail Economics , 2015). Economic Impacts The productivity of the retail and wholesale food chains is observed to counter a decline during the 2013 and 2014 periods owing to increase in the level of inputs compared to the amount of outputs generated by the wholesale and retail units. The growth in the amount of labour by around 2.3 percent during 2013 affected the productivity of the food and drink based retail sector by around 3.1 percent. The food wholesale sector also reflected a decline in productivity by around 1.6 percent compared to 2013 owing to the continual increase in input volumes(Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs , 2016). The same is reflected in the following graphs. (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs , 2016) (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs , 2016) Social Impacts The consumers associated with the food and grocery retail and wholesale sector in United Kingdom are observed to reflect increased interest for an attractive store appearance along with the existence of needed customer service and also generation of potential service quality. The retail and wholesale companies are thus required for generating increased amount of investments for contributing in store expansion, enhancing store appearances and also in generating needed training to the customer service and operational staffs such that the retail staffs gain the needed potential for effectively servicing the diversified needs of customers to generate needed customer satisfaction(Wood McCarthy, 2013). The growth in the number of store outlets relating to the grocery retail sector along the period ranging from 2002 to 2013 is reflected as under. (Wood McCarthy, 2013) Technological Impacts The food retail and wholesale sector in United Kingdom reflects the incorporation of effective technologies like the multichannel marketing paradigm and also the use of agile supply chain. Both the multichannel marketing and agile supply chain technology incorporated by the retail and wholesale food and grocery retail chains require the use of different information technology gadgets and also different programs and software in that the same helps in integrating the different stakeholders like customers, suppliers, operational staffs and managers for meeting the objectives of retail productivity and performance. The incorporation of the multichannel platform contributes in effectively promoting and also in generating needed awareness about the retail and wholesale brand in the larger consumer market and also in helping customers gain a seamless shopping experience(Bevis, 2014). Legal Impacts The wholesale and retail organisations based in United Kingdom are required to strictly abide by regulation and policies regarding trading of organic food products. The trading of organic food products requires the certification to be gained from an approved organic control body (OCB). The food retail and wholesale firms face inspection from the concerned authority regarding the following of European Union (EU) standards for organic food before labelling and trading the products as organic foods(GOV.UK, 2013). Environmental Impacts Firms operating in the United Kingdom based food retail and wholesale sector are required to fulfil environmental objectives based on meeting the objectives of carbon footprint. The retail companies are required to reduce the emission levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide from its distribution and transport operations and also from its retail and supply chain operations. Further, the food retail and wholesale companies are also required to potentially reduce the amount the amount of food wastage and also potentially reduce the level of usage of plastic packets in that the same would help in protecting the natural environment(Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2011). Analysis of Micro Environment Consumer Bargaining Power The availability of internet enabled gadgets like laptops, tablets, Smartphones and computers and also its enhanced use by consumers in United Kingdom has helped the latter to continually interact with the different food retail and wholesale companies for gaining an effective understanding of the offers and promotions generated by the retail firms. Similarly, the food and grocery retail and wholesale firms based on the use of internet enabled gadgets also communicate with the customers regarding new product and service offerings. The above activity helps the consumers get armed with necessary information for generating effective decisions regarding purchases of the food products(OECD, 2013). Supplier Bargaining Power The grocery and food retail and wholesale companies based in United Kingdom are required to continually interact with the suppliers and vendor firms such that the same helps in monitoring the practices of suppliers and vendors in generating ethical and organic food products(Custance et al., 2012). Existence of Substitutes The firms operating in the food and grocery retail sector in United Kingdom face potential competition from the existence of several small firms and stores operating as substitutes. The substitute units generate products at reduced rates to the consumers. Internal Rivalry Food and grocery retailers like Tesco, Morrisons, Asda and also Sainsbury tend to intensely compete with each other in the United Kingdom market. The entries of discount retailers like Aldi and Lidl have further increased the level of internal rivalry in the market(The Guardian , 2014). Entry Barriers The entry for foreign food and grocery retailers in the UK market is restricted such that the foreign firms can only take resort of importing products to the UK retailers as a means to gain an entry in the retail sector. US retail firms work with UK based importers for supplying of food and grocery products for enabling market entry in the region(Vasquez, 2016). Impact of UK Governments Policy of Merger and Acquisition The UK Governments policy on merger and acquisition is evaluated to potentially affect the profit margins of the food and grocery retail firms operating in United Kingdom. The policy on mergers of food and grocery retail firms in UK requires the food and grocery retailers to largely reduce their prices for the different products and services. The same acts as an effective incentive for the consumers at the cost of the productivity and efficiency levels of the food and grocery retailers. The UK Government encourages the event of mergers for discouraging the actions of retail and wholesale companies of charging increased prices from the consumers(Hosken et al., 2012). Further, the expansion regime of large grocery retail companies like Tesco and Sainsbury are argued by the Office of Fair Trade (OFT) and like government authorities in that the expansion activities of the large retail corporations are being conducted based on the use of mergers and acquisitions. The convenience stores and supermarkets in their bid to expand and gain a larger market share in the UK grocery and food retail market are continually absorbing small and medium retailers in the region. The same is observed to affect the business potential of these small retail units and shops. Owing to the above reason, the United Kingdom government has generated policy measures for monitoring and deterring the expansion drives of the grocery and food retailers where the same is focused on acquiring small retail firms and shops conducting business in the region. The UK Governments merger and acquisition policy regarding grocery and food retailing largely focuses on generating equal chances for the local and small retailers to compete with the large retail corporations. The government also requires greater number of shopping alternatives to be available for the local consumers other than the big supermarkets. The above view of the UK Government regarding the merger and acquisition activities of the retail firms in United Kingdom for generating needed expansions affects the growth strategy of the retail corporations(Seely, 2012). The discussion reflects that the view taken by the UK Government regarding growth strategy of retail firms based on mergers and acquisitions is taken to affect the growth strategy of Carrefour where the wholesale retailer focuses on aggressive mergers and acquisition activities to expand its market share in the global marketplace. Application of the Kurt Lewins Change Model The Change management model envisaged by Kurt Lewin is carried out along three main stages like Unfreezing, Change and thereby Freezing. The Unfreezing aspect of the model requires the business institution focusing on generating change to motivate based on identifying the different opportunities that would be gained by the retail institution while expanding in the international market. The second aspect reflects on the Changes needed to be brought about in the existing organisational culture in that the same would help in adequately making the business institution to effectively adapt the culture of the foreign market. The same requires the organisational managers to communicate the changes required of the staffs based on operational and policy changes. Finally, Refreezing activities are required to be carried out based on the generation of norms and rules that would help the business institution to operate in the changed scenario(Cummings Worley, 2014). Reflecting on the Unfreezing approach, Carrefours management ideally reflects that its venture of expanding in the international market of United Kingdom would generate potential opportunities associated with its existent online marketing paradigm and also different types of formats like discount stores, hyper and supermarkets, and convenience stores. Carrefour operating based on a large number of diversified formats is taken to counter the competition in the UK grocery and food retail sector. Moreover, Carrefour also reflects needed potential of meeting consumer expectations for UK consumers regarding gaining of quality products from large stores at affordable rates(Schroeder, 2012). Reflecting on the Change aspect, the staffs and managers of Carrefour need to potentially understand the need for longer working hours and meeting tasks within strict deadlines. Further, the British working culture also reflects the need to conduct frequent meetings based on an unplanned fashion in major cases. However, planned meetings are also generated based on generating notifications to the staffs based on writing. The British operating culture also reflect the need for making effective presentations based on use of British accent. The same requires Carrefour for training its staffs to speak based on British accent. Carrefour to conduct its business operations in United Kingdom also requires understanding the need for teamwork and requires its managers for working in a collaborative fashion while taking decisions(Nanquette, 2013). Finally, reflecting on the aspect of Refreezing Carrefours managers need to enforce rules as long working hours, information sharing, working based on a team culture and collaborative framework to achieve organisational goals. Further, the staffs are also required to focus on developing British accent and also work to make effective presentations for sharing of potential information and decisions. Conclusion The analysis of the macro and micro environmental factors regarding Carrefours entry into United Kingdom reflects a mixture of motivators and challenges that are required to be identified by the retail institution as opportunities and threats while endeavouring to gain an entry into the foreign UK food retail market. Challenges are also reflected based on the UK governments stand regarding merger and acquisition based expansion strategy used by Carrefour. The Kurt Lewin model is also incorporated that would help Carrefour for effectively expanding in the UK retail market. Recommendations Carrefour is required to form effective partnership and ties with importing firms in United Kingdom in that the same helps the food wholesaler for developing an effective presence in the foreign territory. The French wholesaler is further required to form effective relationship with potential suppliers and vendors for gaining access to quality products and marketing them to consumers at affordable rates. Use of online marketing paradigm on an effective scale would help Carrefour in gaining needed penetration in the foreign market. References Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2011. The United Kingdom - A Sophisticated Retail Sector. [Online] Available at: https://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/industry-markets-and-trade/statistics-and-market-information/by-region/europe/market-intelligence/the-united-kingdom-a-sophisticated-retail-sector/?id=1410083148597 [Accessed 27 March 2016]. Bevis, M., 2014. The future of the grocery sector in the UK. [Online] Available at: https://www.retailthinktank.co.uk/whitepaper/the-future-of-the-grocery-sector-in-the-uk/ [Accessed 27 March 2016]. Cummings, T.G. Worley, C.G., 2014. Organization Development and Change. United States : Cengage Learning. Custance, P., Harness, D. Lindgreen, A., 2012. Market Orientation: Transforming Food and Agribusiness around the Customer. United Kingdom : Gower Publishing. Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs , 2016. Total Factor Productivity of the United Kingdom Food Chain 2014 - provisional estimate. [Online] Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/495683/foodchainanalysis-productivity-statsnotice-28jan16.pdf [Accessed 27 March 2016]. GOV.UK, 2013. Organic certification and standards. [Online] Available at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/organic-certification-and-standards [Accessed 27 March 2016]. Hosken, D., Olson, L.M. Smith, L.K., 2012. Do Retail Mergers Affect Competition? Evidence from Grocery Retailing. Washington DC: FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION. Nanquette, L., 2013. Orientalism Versus Occidentalism: Literary and Cultural Imaging Between France and Iran Since the Islamic Revolution. France : I.B.Tauris. OECD, 2013. Competition Issues in the Food Chain Industry. [Online] Available at: https://www.oecd.org/daf/competition/CompetitionIssuesintheFoodChainIndustry.pdf [Accessed 27 March 2016]. Retail Economics , 2015. Outlook for the retail sector in 2015. [Online] Available at: https://www.retaileconomics.co.uk/insights/outlook-for-the-retail-sector-in-2015.asp [Accessed 27 March 2016]. Schroeder, A., 2012. Entry strategy for Carrefour for entry into the UK market. United Kingdom : GRIN Verlag. Seely, A., 2012. Supermarkets : competition inquiries into the groceries market. United Kingdom: House of Commons. The Guardian , 2014. Brutal competition batters supermarkets the world over. [Online] Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/oct/05/supermarkets-discounters-europe-us-china-japan [Accessed 27 March 2016]. Vasquez, J., 2016. United Kingdom Retail Foods 2015. United Kingdom: GAIN Report. Wood, S. McCarthy, D., 2013. The UK Food Retail Race for Space and Market Saturation: A Contemporary Review. [Online] Available at: https://epubs.surrey.ac.uk/797766/1/The%20UK%20Food%20Retail%20Race%20for%20Space.pdf [Accessed 27 March 2016].
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Role of United Arab Emirates in Iraq
The war between Iraq and Kuwait began in the year 1990. This war started after Iraq’s forces entered Kuwait by force. During the conflict, Iraq’s soldiers raped, robbed, and shot at the resisting Kuwaitis (King, 1991). In the attacks, some Kuwaitis managed to escape to the neighbouring countries unharmed. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Role of United Arab Emirates in Iraq-Kuwait War specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Before the war started, the US was no longer engaged in foreign military affairs after its devastating loss in the Vietnam War (King, 1991). However, the events of the war between Kuwait and Iraq forced the US to come to the defence of Kuwait in an operation named Operation Desert Shield. This operation involved several countries. Among those who supported this operation were some of the Arab countries who believed that the Iraqis expansion was a threat in the Middle East (King , 1991). Before the war started, UAE’s actions in the Middle East contributed to the Iraq-Kuwait conflicts during the early 1990s (Grossman, 1995). As such, Kuwait and UAE were disregarding OPEC’s regulations by flooding the world markets with cheap oil. By doing so, the two countries lowered the oil prices in the world markets. During this time, the Iraq’s economy was still unstable following the Iraq- Iran War. Therefore, Iraq needed to sell its oil in the world markets at a higher price to sustain its economy. However, UAE and Kuwait’s actions prevented Iraq from selling its oil at a higher price hence worsened their economic situations. Following this, Saddam Hussein was forced to attack Kuwait. Hussein hoped that by attacking Kuwait it could lead to a drop in UAE and Kuwait’s oil exports in the world markets. Through this, the UAE is said to have contributed to the Iraq and Kuwait War (Grossman, 1995). During the Iraq and Iran War, UAE did n ot participate in the conflicts. However, the Kuwait and Iraq War forced the UAE to join the allied forces in setting free the Kuwaitis from the Iraqis. Before the onset of the war, UAE was among the first Arab countries to oppose the plans by President Saddam Hussein to attack Kuwait. Its defence forces officials together with American forces designed a plan, which were to prevent Hussein’s forces from attacking Kuwaitis. Two weeks before the operation, UAE and the US conducted an air refuelling preparation program in an effort to warn Hussein’s government against its military desires. During this period, the UAE defence forces provided its military members to play active roles in the Operation Desert Storm. Advertising Looking for research paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Through this, the country contributed its air force personnel as pilots. Notably, UAE pilots joined the all ied forces in major air attacks across Iraq. Through this effort, Iraq’s infrastructure, communication facilities, military bases, and naval bases were destroyed. Correspondingly, through the combined effort by the UAE forces, American forces, and their allied forces, Iraq’s aircraft and air force facilities were destroyed within the first few weeks of Operation Shield Desert. Apart from contributing its forces as pilots to the operation, UAE provided more than 2000 forces to fight on the ground. With the effort of these individuals, the allied forces managed to defeat the Iraqi forces on the ground as air raids were being carried out. Most of the ground forces were situated in Kuwait. They were required to prevent Iraqis from returning to Iraq with Kuwait’s properties. Another way in which UAE contributed to the war was by providing the Americans with military bases. Before this war, the US military bases in the Middle East region were few and ill equipped. Ho wever, during the war between the Kuwait and Iraq the US military presence in the region increased with the setting up of more bases in UAE, Saudi Arabia and other American allied countries in the region (Metz, 1994). From the UAE’s bases, American forces could destroy Iraqis positions very easily. The US and the allied forces’ aircrafts, warships and other military facilities were stationed in the UAE and other US allied nations within the gulf region. In addition to the above contributions, the UAE government provided the allied forces with financial support during the Kuwait and Iraqi War. According to the country’s defense reports, UAE contributed $3.3 billion towards the liberation of Kuwait during the onset of the war (Metz, 1994). By mid 1991, the country had promised to support countries who were involved in the operation. Through this, their defense spending reached $6 billion on November 1991. The country initiated this move to help the involved count ries recover their economic losses resulting from this operation. To meet these huge military spending, the country increased its oil exports and prices during the period. When the war ended, UAE had played a very important role in ending the Iraqi and Kuwait War. Similarly, after the war, the country realized that its military defense system was weak. The events of the war enabled the country’s defense department to evaluate their abilities to defend themselves from external attacks. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Role of United Arab Emirates in Iraq-Kuwait War specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It was noted that the country needed extra military resources to defend themselves and their member states from external military attacks (Rugh, 2002). As a result, the UAE entered into an agreement with the US and the French governments to support its military with skills and equipments. References Gros sman, M. (1995). Encyclopedia of the Persian Gulf War. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO. King, J. (1991). The Gulf War. New York: Dillon Press. Metz, H. C. (1994). Persian Gulf states: country studies (3rd ed.). Washington, D.C.: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress. Rugh, W. A. (2002). Diplomacy and defense policy of the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.: Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research. This research paper on Role of United Arab Emirates in Iraq-Kuwait War was written and submitted by user Hawkeye/Clint Barton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Role of United Arab Emirates in Iraq Iraq-Kuwait war began in the year 1990. The conflict escalated following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. During this conflict, Iraq’s soldiers invaded Kuwait, raped, looted, and killed resisting Kuwaitis on the spot (King, 1991).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Role of United Arab Emirates in Iraq-Kuwait War specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is alleged that the world learned about these atrocities from Kuwaitis who managed to escape to the neighbouring countries unharmed. Following the brutal attacks, the US was forced to intervene. Before the onset of the war, the US had made a decision that it was no longer going to engage in foreign military affairs after its devastating experience in Vietnam War (King, 1991). The US government mobilized its allies to come to the defence of Kuwait in an operation named Operation Desert Shield. During this operation, several countries took different roles in the alliance. Among those who supported this operation were some of the Arab countries who believed that Iraqis expansion was a threat in the Middle East (King, 1991). This paper seeks to highlight the role of United Arab Emirates, UAE, in the war. Initially, UAE’s operations in the Middle East were considered to have fuelled the Iraq- Kuwait conflicts during the early 1990s (Grossman, 1995). As such, Kuwait and UAE were disrespecting the OPECS directive by flooding the world markets with oil. By doing so, the two countries lowered the oil prices in the world markets. Since Iraq had not regained its economic stability following the Iraq- Iran war, the UAE and Kuwait’s actions in the oil market worsened their economic situations. With the two countries disrespecting the OPEC’s directives and the dire economic situation in Iraq, Saddam Hussein was forced to attack Kuwait. Saddam’s acts were meant to reduce the UAE and Kuwait’s oil exports in the wor ld market. Through this, the UAE is said to have contributed to the Iraq- Kuwait conflicts (Grossman, 1995). Previously, during the Iran-Iraq war, UAE was reluctant in joining the conflicts. However, during the Kuwait-Iraq war the country was forced to reverse its previous policy and join forces with its allies in liberating Kuwait. Before the onset of the war, UAE was among the first Arab countries to object the plans by President Saddam Hussein to invade Kuwait. Its defence forces officials joined forces with American forces and drafted a plan, which were to prevent Hussein’s forces from further attacks in Kuwait. Two weeks before the operation, UAE and the US conducted an air refuelling rehearsal program in an effort to warn the Iraqis government against their military ambitions. During this period, the UAE defence forces availed its personnel to play active roles in the Operation Desert Storm. Through this, the country contributed its air force personnel as pilots. Notabl y, UAE pilots joined the allied forces in major air attacks across Iraq.Advertising Looking for research paper on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Through this effort, Iraq’s infrastructure, communication facilities, military bases, and naval bases were destroyed. Equally, through the concerted effort by the UAE forces, American forces, and their allied forces, Iraq’s aircraft and air force facilities were destroyed within the first few weeks of Operation Shield Desert. Throughout the operation, the UAE ground forces were estimated to be about 2000. With the effort of these individuals, the allied forces managed to conquer the Iraqi forces on the ground as air raids were being carried out. Most of the ground forces were situated in Kuwait. They were mandated to thwart Iraqis from retreating to Iraq with Kuwait’s properties. Other than providing the military personnel, UAE provided the Americans with military bases during the gulf war. Before this war, US military bases across the gulf region were few and ill equipped. However, during the gulf war the US military presence in the region increased with the setting up of more bases in UAE, Saudi Arabia and other American allied countries in the region (Metz, 1994). From the UAE’s bases, American forces were able to destroy Iraqis positions with ease. The US and the allied forces’ aircrafts, warships and other military facilities were stationed in the UAE and other US allied nations within the gulf region. Equally, during the war the UAE government provided the allied forces with financial support. According to the country’s defense reports, UAE contributed $3.3 billion towards the liberation of Kuwait during the onset of the war (Metz, 1994). By mid 1991, the country had pledged to support countries who were involved in the operation. Through this, their defense spending reached $6 billion on November 1991. The country initiated this move to help the involved countries recover their economic losses resulting from this operation. To meet these huge military spending, the country increased its oil exports and prices during the period. By the end of the war, the UAE had played a crucial role towards the liberation of Kuwait. At the end, the country realized that its defense system was inadequately prepared to tackle external military challenges. Similarly, after the war the GCC acknowledged that it lacked the military resources to defend their member states from external military attacks (Rugh, 2002). As a result, the UAE entered into an agreement with the US and the French governments to support its military with expertise and equipments.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Role of United Arab Emirates in Iraq-Kuwait War specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Grossman, M. (1995). Encyclopedia of the Persian Gu lf War. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO. King, J. (1991). The Gulf War. New York: Dillon Press. Metz, H. C. (1994). Persian Gulf states: country studies (3rd ed.). Washington, D.C.: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress . Rugh, W. A. (2002). Diplomacy and defense policy of the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.: Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research. This research paper on Role of United Arab Emirates in Iraq-Kuwait War was written and submitted by user Marc Hartman to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
AMERICAS EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR LAWS Part 2 Example AMERICAS EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR LAWS Part 2 – Coursework Example Critique of the Employee Free Choice Act The Employee Free Choice Act was a legislative bill that sought to amend the National Labor Relations Act and provide an efficient system to operate in labor unions and facilitate binding injunctions that fight unjust labor practices. Even so, a myriad of challenges stop the adequate implementation of the Act, including a Republican obstruction in the Senate (Epstein 48).The Act does not go far enough because it fails serve and protect workers, owing to associated blockades. Forming a union is still a herculean task for several American workers. Additionally, employers are spending billions to ensure the Act is not enforced. Wage theft, in form of payment below the minimum wage (Epstein 54), and unpaid money for overtime, is still rampant in America. I would not change the current law and the proposed EFCA legislation because of its associated benefits to employers, employees, and the economy. Unions encourage a competitive high-wage, high-pro ductivity financial system that perks up wages, benefits, and working conditions. I would recommend stronger enforcement of existing law in terms of economic justice for workers. There should be consequences for breaking the existing rules. The law is inadequate, although rules exist concerning workplace safety and wage theft. I recommend The Labor Reform Act of 1977, which sought to remove obstruction from employers to unions’ development in the place of work. Employer obstruction is a major impediment to the success of workers’ unions because they still maintain nearly absolute control. The law is beneficial because it enhances the freedom of speech of workers through a union. To realize any success, a law that impedes obstruction of employers is necessary. Work CitedEpstein, Richard. The Ominous Employee Free Choice Act. Regulation. SPRING, 2009.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Popular Quotes From Fight Club (1999 Movie)
Popular Quotes From 'Fight Club' (1999 Movie) For those who get a high by watching action movies, Fight Club is a must-watch. The movie has lean mean macho-fighters, hard-core duels, and adrenalin-surging fight scenes. Brad Pitt fans will love him in the role of Tyler Durden. Secret fighting clubs and primal instincts are no longer taboo according to this movie. Let your adrenalin soar with these Fight Club quotes. Narrator: Fight club wasnt about winning or losing. It wasnt about words. The hysterical shouting was in tongues, like at a Pentecostal Church. Tyler: God Damn! We just had a near-life experience, fellas. Tyler: You have a kind of sick desperation in your laugh. Narrator: Is Tyler my bad dream? Or am I Tylers? Narrator: Life insurance pays off triple if you die on a business trip. Tyler: Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken. Narrator: I am Jacks cold sweat. Narrator: If I did have a tumor, Id name it Marla. Tyler: Its only after weve lost everything that were free to do anything. Narrator: I got in everyones hostile little face. Yes, these are bruises from fighting. Yes, Im comfortable with that. I am enlightened. Narrator: I felt like destroying something beautiful. Narrator: When you have insomnia, youre never really asleep... and youre never really awake. Tyler: Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. Youre the s ame decaying organic matter as everything else. Narrator: On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. Narrator: This is your life and its ending one minute at a time. Tyler: Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessles life. His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever had. Tyler: Hey, you created me. I didnt create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility! Tyler: Three minutes. This is it... ground zero. Would you like to say a few words to mark the occasion? Narrator: [voiceover] With a gun barrel between your teeth, you speak only in vowels. Tyler: Fight Club was the beginning, now its moved out of the basement, its called Project Mayhem. Tyler: Only after disaster can we be resurrected. Tyler: [whispering] Tell him the liberator who destroyed my property has realigned my perception. Tyler: All right, if the applicant is young, tell him hes too young. Old, too old. Fat, too fat. If the applicant then waits for three days without food, shelter, or encouragement he may then enter and begin his training. Narrator: You wake up at Seatac, SFO, LAX. You wake up at OHare, Dallas-Fort Worth, BWI. Pacific, Mountain, Central. Lose an hour, gain an hour. This is your life, and its ending one minute at a time. You wake up at Air Harbor International. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? Narrator: We have front row seats for this theater of mass destruction. The demolition committee of Project Mayhem wrapped the foundation columns of a dozen buildings with blasting gelatin. In two minutes, primary charges will blow base charges and a few square blocks will be reduced to smoldering rubble. I know this... because Tyler knows this. Marla: Ive got a stomach full of Xanax. I took what was left of a bottle. It might have been too much. Tyler: Its getting exciting now, 2 and 1/2. Think of everything weve accomplished, man. Out these windows, we will view the collapse of financial history... one step closer to economic equilibrium. Tyler: In the world I see... you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. Youll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. Youll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, youll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway. Narrator: I am Jacks raging bile duct. Narrator: I ran. I ran until my muscles burned and my veins pumped battery acid. Then I ran some more. Narrator: After fighting, everything else in your life got the volume turned down. Tyler: Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing. Narrator: Look, nobody takes this more seriously than me. That condo was my life, okay? I loved every stick of furniture in that place. That was not just a bunch of stuff that got destroyed, it was ME!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Issue of Management of Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Issue of Management of Change - Research Paper Example Change Management is very important for the company and should be its top priority. It is necessary to admit that the paper pays also attention to public and private sector industry because they will give the opportunity to examine change management in the very details. The purpose of the paper is to examine the current trends of various changes such as environmental and demographic changes in the public sector. The paper also takes into consideration strategies and models to be applied to change management. Finally, the paper involves the right change management. It is very important because change management is the best of the rapid development of every business either private or public. Due to globalization processes taken place in modern society change management has to be a universal requirement. The term "change management" is mostly used to define "organizational change management or the management of change triggered in organizations or industries". (Change management, 2006) Change management of Dell Company deals primarily with the human aspect because humans and their psychology are the most subjected to changes. There are two types of change management: reactive and proactive. Management is considered reactive when the change comes from an external source. Management is considered proactive when change comes from either internal change aimed at achieving organizational objectives and goals. It is necessary to admit that change management is connected with human resource management because it allows to implement new technologies and procedures and to cope with employee resistance. (Change management, 2006) Change management in an organization means distinctly specifying and implementing procedures and methods to deal with changes in the organizational environment for the overall prosperity of the business. It involves adaptation, controlling and effecting change smoothly. It is thus the systematic approach to deal with change that takes place in an organization and most crucial as only successful adaptation offers positive results. (Adaptation to change, 2006)
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Human-Resource Manager Interview Report Assignment
Human-Resource Manager Interview Report - Assignment Example The variables that influence his roles substantially include the store’s formulation of HR initiatives. Emphasizing that the structure of the store was determined by the number of employees, the interviewee expressly noted that the store and his roles employ a HR generalist outlook to administer its HR function areas for the business unit and the different employee teams (Conaty and Charan 34). In responding to the question on the structure of the business, and his office, specifically, he insisted that he prefer HR project teams for the different duties and the initiatives of the store, because they increased the accountability of employees. In a generalized way, he noted that there was limited reliance on cross-functional teams, which are often virtual, and where the HR plays the dominant role. Further, he noted that his office is designed in a way that explores and engages the other functions of the store, because that helps in making better team-based decisions (Conaty and Charan 74). The roles and the responsibilities of the interviewee – according to them – vary from day to day. The interviewee noted that everyday is a fully-engaged workload, where they engage in any or many of the following roles: employee hiring, employee training, reviewing and managing employee relations and firing employees for different reasons. Other roles and responsibilities revolve around the management of employee benefits, payroll review and management, administering employee follow-up and participating in organization-wide decision making meetings (Conaty and Charan 34). Above these roles and responsibilities, the interviewee reviews the human resources, to ensure that they have the required employees, and planning recruitment, where there are gaps. The officer engages in the 45-day review of new employees, together with the departmental managers, which helps improve their orientation and training. The greatest challenge to the HR manager and the organization as a who le is the management of the daily work load. This is a major area of a challenge for the interviewee; because he has to prioritize on the work to be done first, out of the huge load, and delegating other duties to departmental managers and staffs (Conaty and Charan 123). For example, he noted that, in the cases where there is a shortage of sales people, or an employee calls for a sick-leave. He is tasked with the challenge of finding a replacement that can meet the needs of the vacant office. The case becomes more challenging, when they have to call in, employees who are taking their off-days, because many of them are, usually, not willing to accept the duty. Hiring is also a challenge for the officer, because getting wrong candidates for the job can be disastrous to its progress. The most difficult decision they made, while working in the store, was that of reducing the bonuses offered to sales people and the employees in general. Following a detailed outlook of the financial posit ion of the business during the past six months, they had reviewed the financial outlook on the business, and noted that the profitability of the business was being adversely affected by the bonus plans (Conaty and Charan 44). The difficulty in the decision was major, because it was likely to force some employees to leave the business, and many others to lose morale and motivation. The interviewee reported that they liked the roles and the responsibilities of motivating their staffs, training new employees and allocating bonuses and other rewards to the employees. They noted that they liked that aspect, because it helps in tapping the full potential of the staffs. The areas that they dislike for the job are that of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Genetically Modified Food Essay Example for Free
Genetically Modified Food Essay Did you know that 62 countries have strict laws against genetically modified foods? 30 of those 62 have eliminated or almost completely banned genetically modified foods from their market (Partovi). All of Europe has almost completely done away with these altered forms of comestibles and requires labeling for anything with even a trace of modified content. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are in nearly 80 percent of the United States processed foods (Lowery). These genetically modified foods have been linked to several serious health conditions. Among these threats are: obesity, ADHD, and cancer. These foods should be restricted from our American markets. Obesity now kills more people than starvation and malnutrition (Barrow). In America, 63 percent of Americans are overweight (Fox). In places such as Europe, where GMO foods are highly restricted, there are lower rates. America has the highest number of obese people in the world (Fox). Places where GMOs are not present or are harder to find and labeled, there is a lower percentage of overweight people. Monsanto, the world’s largest GMO producer, conducted 3 separate studies of GMO foods affect on animals (Tencer). These findings were published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences. Their test concluded overall increases in the animal’s body weight as compared to the animals starting weight, and the control group. It also showed that â€Å"GM maize varieties induce a state of hepatorenal [i. e. kidney and liver] toxicity. †( Does Genetically Modified (GM) Food Increase the Incidence of Obesity, 2012). Another link to GMO foods has been ADD, and ADHD. I myself have ADD and have done very extensive research on it. I do my best to eat natural foods and do not touch fast foods or soda and a majority of most sweets and junk foods. In animals fed GMO foods, studies have shown that there are similar patterns of behavior and similar physiological issues that plague people with ADD and ADHD. These problems are signs that exhibit quick irritation, aggressiveness and hyperactivity (Daniels). One scientist commented on this study and said, â€Å"They have all of the severe allergy responses, the inflammation and the reddening†¦ the intestinal lining is deteriorating. †(Daniels). This is reflected in people with autism, a mental disability that many psychologists believe umbrellas the ADD and ADHD disability. Another factor driving more children to develop ADD and ADHD are the pesticides used on GMO foods. A study discovered that pesticide by-products were found in the urine of the 1,140 children sampled. â€Å"Children with substantially higher levels of a breakdown product of neurotoxic organophosphate pesticides were twice as likely to be diagnosed with ADHD. †(Zerbe). These pesticides are designed to attack the neurological system of pest, but have been linked to harming humans as well. One of GMO foods worst problems is its link to cancer. In a 2 year study done with rats (yes, done with more animals), the results of GMO foods were shocking. The control group was fed only clean foods, while the test group was fed only GMOs. The test showed that 50 percent more of the test rats died prematurely and 50 percent more of the females developed large tumors and cancer. The tumors in the test group were two to three times larger than the control group and developed in half the time it took the control group (Poulter). Quite of few GMO foods have been linked to cancer through carcinogens. These foods contain small trace amounts of carcinogens. Milk containing rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) is the more notable of these foods; containing higher amounts of carcinogens than most other GMO foods (Collier). Very few studies of the long term effects of GMO foods have been done in America. Short term studies show GMO foods don’t harm us in anyway because they only contain slight amounts of pesticide, poisons, toxins, or carcinogens. 62 countries have strictly regulated or banned these foods because of the possible effects and long term studies of GMO foods. The problems and medical conditions these foods have been linked to are very serious and affect our entire nation. Most of our food has some sort of genetically modified content. Monsanto itself has concluded that GMO foods are harmful to animals, yet they continue to produce and distribute the genetically modified foods anyway. In fact, the Monsanto Protection Act (officially named Section 735) actually â€Å"effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of controversial genetically modified (aka GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) seeds, no matter what health issues may arise concerning†¦. †(Connor). This basically means we can be fed poison and our own government could not stop them. We should stop the process of all GMO foods until we have researched enough about them to develop safe, poison free foods. Partovi, Ali. Are Un-Labeled Genetically Modified Foods Already in Circulation? The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost. com, 08 Jan. 2013. Web. 28 Apr. 2013. Lowery, Kate. Studies Show GMOs in Majority of U. S. Processed Foods, 58 Percent of Americans Unaware of Issue. Studies Show GMOs in Majority of U. S. Processed Foods, 58 Percent of Americans Whole Foods Market, 07 Oct. 2012. Web. 26 Apr. 2013. Barrow, Martin. Obesity Kills More than Hunger in March of progress' The Times. The Times, 14 Dec. 2012. Web. 26 Apr. 2013. Fox, Elizabeth. Obesity in America Compared to Europe. LIVESTRONG. COM. Live Strong, 21 Dec. 2010. Web. 26 Apr. 2013. Tencer, Daniel. Monsanto, Worlds Largest Genetically Modified Food Producer, To Be Charged With Biopiracy In India (VIDEO). The Huffington Post. The Huffington Post, 10 Mar. 2011. Web. 26 Apr. 2013. Global Research. Does Genetically Modified (GM) Food Increase the Incidence of Obesity? Washingtons Blog, 20 Mar. 2012. Web. 26 Apr. 2013. Daniels, Diane. Are Genetically Modified Foods Contributing to the Rise in Autism? Brain Works. Brain Worls, 14 May 2012. Web. 26 Apr. 2013. Zerbe, Leah. Pesticides in food linked to ADHD in kids†Msnbc. com. Rodale, 09 Nov. 2011. Web. 27 Apr. 2013. Poulter, Sean. Cancer Row over GM Foods as Study Says It Did THIS to Ratsand Can Cause Organ Damage and Early Death in Humans. Mail Online. Daily Mail UK, 19 Sept. 2012. Web. 27 Apr. 2013. Collier, Richard. Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH)/Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin (rBST). Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH)/Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin (rBST). Breast Cancer Fund, n. d. Web. 28 Apr. 2013. Sheets, Connor. Monsanto Protection Act: 5 Terrifying Things To Know About The HR 933 Provision. International Business Times. International Business Times, 27 Mar. 2013. Web. 28 Apr. 2013.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Fukyama V huntington Essay -- essays research papers
Francis Fukuyama and Samuel Huntington are two of the most controversial and influential modern political theorists of our times. Fukuyama’s book, The End of History and the Last Man, and Huntington’s book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, pose two very conflicting theories on international relations. In this paper I will summarize and compare/contrast the two theories. Both theories, written since the fall of communism and updated since the first gulf war, have been widely read, taught, praised and criticized The End of History and the Last Man is a book in which Francis Fukuyama argues the controversial thesis that the end of history, a time when class distinctions no longer exist, believing them to be the cause of the evolution of everything that has existed in society up in till that point, is among us. "What we may be witnessing in not just the end of the Cold War, or the passing of a particular period of post-war history, but the end of history as such: that is, the end point of mankind's ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government." Fukuyama’s thesis consists of two main elements. Firstly, Fukuyama points out that since the beginning of the nineteenth century democracy is the only intellectual expected system of government. Secondly, Fukuyama sees history as consisting of tension between two classes: the one in control and the one being controlled. Ultimatel...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Marketing: Retailing and Heterogeneous Shopping Product
1. ) Dusty Moore has never owned a JVC TV, but his parents owned one and were not at all satisfied. As a result, Dusty won't even consider buying an JVC. As far as Dusty is concerned, JVC has achieved brand _____rejection_________. 2. ) Connie Seagroves is shopping for a new pair of jeans. She has had good experiences with Chic jeans in the past and is looking for Chic now. She intends to buy Chic jeans if they have something in her size. If not, she plans to keep wearing the Chic jeans she has as long as possible, planning to continue her search for a good fitting pair of Chic jeans at a later date.This is a good example of: brand insistence.3. ) Marissa, a college student and her father, a wealthy businessman, were each considering the purchase of a new automobile. As a college student with a full-time job, Marissa has considerably more financial resources than most college students. She feels that this car needs to provide a statement of just who she is and wear her drive and ambition are taking her! She is looking for a high quality car with the look of success!She finds very few that provide the kind of self-actualization she's looking for – and each of those has a sticker price in excess of $50,000 . Marissa's father however, although extremely wealthy and can easily afford cars in this price range, treats cars as basically the same. He doesn't care what it is as long as it gets him there. Although he visits car dealerships occasionally just to see what's available, he doesn't spend much time at it. He tells Marissa to buy two of whatever she gets (he'll call his bank to take care of the money for his).He buys a car this way whenever he wears one out. He usually drives his cars into the ground – i. e. until they totally wear out then asks whomever he knows who's going car buying to pick up one for him (of whatever they are getting – price is no object). For Marissa, this automobile is a _____heterogeneous shopping good_________ product; for her father, the car is a _____a homogeneous good_________ product.4. ) The ABC company is marketing a rental product that allows the option of self-cremation. Although sounding somewhat bizarre to the common person, the produc t is targeted to the millions of elderly bedridden patients without family or friends. The buyer simply exchanges their hospital bed for the Self-Crematory Box. The box monitors the occupants heart-beat / brain-wave activity. When both have ceased for 1 hour the box self-seals, brings the temperature inside the box to 6000 degrees and reduces the body inside to a fine white ash which is then deposited in an urn mounted on the side of the box.The box is so well-insulated you can put your hand on top of the box while the cremation process is underway without feeling any heat coming through! The box then sends a radio signal to the company which picks up the box, conducts a thorough cleaning/refueling in prepartion for rental to another customer. There is no competition since no other company has anything like it. The prototype worked so well that the company is planning to make a small number to market test it in Florida (due to the large number of potential customers there).Promotion al strategies are being developed and are in the very beginning stage of implementation (first promotions appeared in local newspapers yesterday). What product class is the Self-crematory box in to the target market? new unsought good5. ) Your firm has devised a method of transportation that will eliminate the needs for all forms of mechanical transporation. The product is a form of mental training that, when complete, allows a person to tap into previously unknown parts of his/her brain to use a teleportation talent we all have but don't know to use.Although everone's abilitites are different (just as we run/walk with different abilities) just about every person has this ability in some way or another and when trained can ‘think' themselves from place-to-place; no cars, trains, boats, plane required – just fix the coordinates in your minds-eye and PUSH yourself there instanteously. This training is a: service6. ) Your firm determines that they have a need to store exce ss inventory from their midwest operations due to highly variant changes in customer demand.They determine that due to their need to produce in such large quantities the warehouses will always be at least half full. Should they use public or private warehouses? private7. ) At what stage of the product life cycle is the firm broadening the base of their channel of distribution by shifting their focus from a pull to a push strategy?GROWTH8. ) The stage of the product life cycle in which early majority first make purchases is: GROWTH9. ) Hershey's chocolate bars have been marketed in the United States for more than 100 years, and are still a tremendous success, with a loyal following of consumers.The company began advertising several years ago to hold its market share, and it has introduced several distinctive new products. What stage of their product life cycle are Hershey's chocolate bars in? maturity10. ) What level of brand loyality do makers of SPECIALTY PRODUCTS aspire to? brand insistence11. ) A company has been making the same product for over 100 years. It is an essential element of almost every person's grooming requirements. Many other manufacturers make the same type of product. The company distributes it in every department store and grocery store in the nation.Competition is intense. Contribution margins are very thin. The company focuses it primary promotional efforts on advertising and its secondary effort on consumer sales promotions. What level of market exposure does this product have? intensive12. ) Which degree of market exposure would probably be most suitable for a heterogeneous shopping product which has achieved brand preference and sells for about $300? Selective distribution13. ) Michelle is the marketing manager for a popular brand of oatmeal cookies.Various plans to increase market share by appealing to competitor's customers via advertising have failed. Michelle is planning another strategy not dependent on advertising. A recent surv ey shows sales are good among brand loyal customers who include the product as a regular part of their shopping list. Michelle plans to provide incentives to salespeople who call on retailers to get them to convince the stores to place additional bags of the cookies on shelf space by near/by the cash registers in the hope that non-brand loyal customers will put them in their shopping cart without hinking while waiting to check out. Michelle is positioning the cookies by the checkout stand as: an impulse product14. ) James River Paper (JRP) recently introduced Absorb, a new double-thick paper towel aimed at families with children. Primarily and industrial products manufacturer, JRP had produced paper towels for a few large grocery chains to sell as their own dealer brand. But Absorb was its first attempt at marketing a consumer product under its own brand. So far, results are not encouraging. Only a few wholesalers have taken on the line.Most are very reluctant to handle Absorb, clai ming that retail shelves are already overcrowded with paper towels. What product class is this in? staple convenience product15. ) The first mechanical dishwasher was a ____discontinuous___________ innovation.16. ) Your firm has devised a method of transportation that will eliminate the needs for all forms of mechanical transporation. The product is a form of mental training that, when complete, allows a person to tap into previously unknown parts of his/her brain to use a teleportation talent we all have but don't know to use.Although everone's abilitites are different (just as we run/walk with different abilities) just about every person has this ability in some way or another and when trained can ‘think' themselves from place-to-place; no cars, trains, boats, plane required – just fix the coordinates in your minds-eye and PUSH yourself there instanteously. This training is a: discontinuous innovation17. ) If a large furniture retailer were to purchase Drexel (a manuf acturer of sofas and chairs), this would be an example of: backward integration18. Your company must produce 1,000,000 units of your product in order to acheive sufficnet economies of scale to keep costs as low as possible. Customers only buy these pproducdts one at-a-time. This is the concept of: discrepancy of quantity19. ) Retailers have to buy from many different sources to satisfy the diverse needs of thier customers. This is the concept of: discrepancy of assortment20. ) ABC company contracted with the XYZ company to develop edible packaging material that would be used in place of the Styrofoam peanuts currently used to insure fragile contents did not shift in transit enough to break or become dysfunctional.The material is a nutritional supplement for any member of the rodent family (hamsters, Guinea Pig, rabbits, etc). From the supplied choices below, choose the three answers that best answer the three questions that follow. 1: What is the primary packaging strategy? 2: What is the secondary packaging strategy? 3: What is the tertiary packaging strategy? a. The primary packaging strategy is to protect the product. b. The secondary packaging strategy is to become a product itself. c. There is no tertiary packaging strategy.21. ) Dell Computer packages its scanner in a plastic box.The box is designed to be reusable as a storage container to hold the myriad of loose items that seem to accumulate in any household. It's durable enough to last for years. Initial tests find people using the boxes to store personal belongs that need extra protection in storage sheds, the attic, etc. Engraved on all sides of the box are the Dell logo, information about Dell's other product lines; information about the safe use of the scanner as well customer service contact information. What types(s) of packaging strategy(ies) is Dell Computer conducting? Choose all that apply. . PROTECT e. PROMOTE f. PRODUCT22. ) In an old episode of the Andy Griffith television series, two loc al farmers were shown marketing their home-grown fruits and vegetables to consumers along the roadside. The farmers weren't selling their vegetables from a retail store; they sold their produce from the back of their truck. The farmers grew the fruits and vegetables and then sold them to the local people as they drove by on the road. The farmers selling their products without wholesalers or retailers were an example of a: a direct channel of distribution.23. ) IBM has long been perceived as the leader in computer technology. As such, for many years IBM computers were available only from selected, authorized IBM retailers. Currently, IBM has changed their distribution strategy. Consumers can now purchase IBM computers at several well-known department and discount stores, including Wal-Mart and K-Mart, located throughout the country. Initially, IBM employed _____exclusive_________ distribution and made their products available only through a single retail outlet in a given competitive market.Currently, as computers have become more of a shopping good, IBM is using selective distribution, as they seek to broaden the degree of their distribution and make their computers available in several retail outlets in a given competitive market.24. ) The railroad service which picks up truck trailers at a producer's location, loads them onto rail flatcars, hauls them close to the customer, and then delivers them to the buyer's door is: piggyback service.25. A cheese processor having regular need for regional storage of a large quantity of cheese probably should use _____private_________ warehouses.26. ) Your brand, originally marketed as a specialty product and which sold very well to innovators, is now being marketed as a heterogeneous shopping good. What should your brand familiarity objective be? preference27. ) Laurie Owens visits the local Healthy Glow spa, but dislikes the dirty dressing area and refuses to go back. This is an example of: brand rejection28. Dell Compu ter packages its scanner in a plastic box with an airtight self-sealing lid designed to be reusable as a climate proof airtight attic storage box. What type of packaging strategy is Dell Computer conducting with this recent modification to the box? PRODUCT29. ) Dell Computer packages its scanner in a plastic box. The box is designed to be reusable as a storage container to hold the myriad of loose items that seem to accumulate in any household. It's durable enough to last for years. Initial tests find people using the boxes to store personal belongs that need extra protection in storage sheds, the attic, etc.Engraved on all sides of the box are the Dell logo, information about Dell's other product lines; information about the safe use of the scanner as well customer service contact information. What types(s) of packaging strategy(ies) is Dell Computer conducting? Choose all that apply. g. PROTECT h. PROMOTE i. PRODUCT30. ) Your firm is marketing a product to brand preferent customer s. What distribution strategy shouild they use? selective31. ) John Deere manufactures and distributes industrial and farm equipment. These types equipment are considered to be specialty products.Which type of market coverage is the company most likely to choose? Exclusive distribution32. ) A company has been making the same product for over 100 years. It is an essential element of almost every person's grooming requirements. Many other manufacturers make the same type of product. The company distributes it in every department store and grocery store in the nation. Competition is intense. Contribution margins are very thin. The company focuses it primary promotional efforts on advertising and its secondary effort on consumer sales promotions. What level of market exposure does this product have? intensive33. ) Which degree of market exposure would probably be most suitable for a heterogeneous shopping product which has achieved brand preference and sells for about $300? intensive34. ) If a large furniture retailer were to purchase Drexel (a manufacturer of sofas and chairs), this would be an example of: backward integration35. ) Kari Athens was interested in buying a coffee pot to use at college and a cassette player for her sister's birthday present.At the local discount store, she compared prices on coffee pots and chose the cheapest. She read the product information on each cassette player and finally chose one with stereo headphones and a rechargeable battery. For Kari, the coffee pot was: a homogeneous shopping product, but the cassette player was a heterogeneous shopping product.36. ) While shopping in a local supermarket, Mime Abbott came upon an aisle display of cookies and had to have some–immediately. By the time she got to the checkout counter with the rest of her selections, all the cookies were gone. In this case, the cookies were: an impulse product37. ) Your firm determines that they have a need to store excess inventory from their midwes t operations due to highly variant changes in customer demand. They determine that due to their need to produce in such large quantities the warehouses will always be at least half full. Should they use public or private warehouses? private38. ) A merchant wholesaler is considering four physical distribution systems. Which is best for shipping his products? Cannot be determined without the target customer's needs.39. ) The ABC company sells beach wear to teenagers. It plans to solicit sales from teens at the beach by taking van loads of beach wear to all the beaches in the United States each day of summer (June 22 – September 21st). The company has the beachware made in Thailand and shipped directly to it's vendors in the 40 major beach locations its targeted. The company believes it knows its market well enough such that the goods will be produced and shipped such that each vendor will receive only enough to fill the van each week.If their estimates are right, each van vendo r will receive just enough goods to fill their van on Monday and have sufficient demand to sell all of it by the following Sunday. Then they will refill their van on Monday with the next order just arriving that day. If they are not as accurate as they hope to be, the vendors will not have sold all their inventory from the previous week and the new shipment will not fit into the van (along with the remainder of the previous weeks shipment). The vendors are then authorized to place whatever excess won't fit in the van into storage. Should the vendors plan to put their excess into rental storage or should they buy some storage space. rent storage space40. ) When Henry Ford first offered his traditionally black Fords in other colors, to the consuming public, this was a: continuous innovation41. ) Your firm has devised a method of transportation that will eliminate the needs for all forms of mechanical transporation. The product is a form of mental training that, when complete, allows a person to tap into previously unknown parts of his/her brain to use a teleportation talent we all have but don't know to use.Although everone's abilitites are different (just as we run/walk with different abilities) just about every person has this ability in some way or another and when trained can ‘think' themselves from place-to-place; no cars, trains, boats, plane required – just fix the coordinates in your minds-eye and PUSH yourself there instanteously. This training is a: discontinuous innovation42. ) Marissa, a college student and her father, a wealthy businessman, were each considering the purchase of a new automobile. As a college student with a full-time job, Marissa has considerably more financial resources than most college students.She feels that this car needs to provide a statement of just who she is and wear her drive and ambition are taking her! She is looking for a high quality car with the look of success! She finds very few that provide the kind of self-actualization she's looking for – and each of those has a sticker price in excess of $50,000. Marissa's father however, although extremely wealthy and can easily afford cars in this price range, treats cars as basically the same. He doesn't care what it is as long as it gets him there. Although he visits car dealerships occasionally just to see what's available, he doesn't spend much time at it.He tells Marissa to buy two of whatever she gets (he'll call his bank to take care of the money for his). He buys a car this way whenever he wears one out. He usually drives his cars into the ground – i. e. until they totally wear out then asks whomever he knows who's going car buying to pick up one for him (of whatever they are getting – price is no object). For Marissa, this automobile is a ___heterogeneous shopping good___________ product; for her father, the car is a ___a homogeneous good___________ product.43. ) A new computer company with a radically new appro ach to computing, has a laptop priced at $99. 0). This basic laptop is targeted as the late adopter. It is as simple to operate as a calculator. It has a very small hard drive, small – but full functional keyboard, basic soundcard, and no ability to expand. It has Microsoft WORD, EXCEL, PowerPoint, and Outlook built in. Thus, it's mean to basic schoolwork and email (with a built in wireless modem which requires signing up for a monthly access fee of 99 cents). The company plans to distribute its products only through three large discounters (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and Target) in very large cities (populations of at least 1,000,000 people).It was designed to compete against the hand-helds, but it's larger and more user friendly (with a bigger screen for ease of viewing by the target market (estimated average age of 65) and much cheaper. What product class is this product in? homogeneous shopping product44. ) In the early 1900's, GrandPa purchased his first automobile. After years o f driving horse and buggies, Grandpa got in his new car and drove it into his new garage. Unfortunately, instead of using the brake to stop the new automobile, Grandpa shouted: â€Å"Whoa!! †and crashed into the wall. Grandpa's new automobile was an example of: a discontinuous innovation45. ) Your firm is offering a slotting allowance to retailers to give them an incentive to carry your product – which is targeted at the early adopter as part of a number one priority PUSH STRATEGY. What stage of the PLC is this most likely to occur in? growth46. ) Hershey's chocolate bars have been marketed in the United States for more than 100 years, and are still a tremendous success, with a loyal following of consumers. The company began advertising several years ago to hold its market share, and it has introduced several distinctive new products.What stage of their product life cycle are Hershey's chocolate bars in? maturity47. ) Wisemen Inc. has just become profitable with its 8 megapixel digital camera which produces the sharpest pictures in the industry by at least two orders of magnitude. Prints are now beginning to be almost indistisguishable from ‘traditional' film cameras, which is quite a change from previous models. Its promotional expenditures are aimed at informing its target market of enhancements while trying to persuade potential customers of the digital camera's significant advantages over competitor's products.However, even more money is being spent to develop the firm's distribution system (since other comptitors are also still trying to expand theirs) for the digital camera. Competitors at this technology level are beginning to increase. What stage of the product life cycle is the digital camera in? Growth stage48. ) A firm finds that its customers are unwilling to try their product again after being disappointed with it on their first use. They avoid any reference to their brand even to the extent of claiming to have never heard of it just so people won't know they ever used it.The firm's target market is exhibiting __brand rejection____________.49. ) A publisher of photography books finds that it is cost-effective to print 10,000 or more at a time. But a bookstore orders only a few copies of each book since its customers want to select from a wide variety. This example shows: why both discrepancies of quantity and assortment occur.50. ) Which of the following best illustrates â€Å"discrepancies of quantity†? Firestone made millions of tires last year–but most customers bought only one set.51. Which of the following best illustrates â€Å"discrepancies of quantity†? Firestone made millions of tires last year–but most customers bought only one set.52. ) A publisher of photography books finds that it is cost-effective to print 10,000 or more at a time. But a bookstore orders only a few copies of each book since its customers want to select from a wide variety. This example shows: why both discrepancies of quantity and assortment occur.53. ) XYZ Corporation manufactures and distributes tax software on site in its Houston, Texas location.It's marketing manager needs to ship large quantities of these very high-value tax software to its more than 1000 clients world-wide at the most economical cost where time is very short (3 days – it's April 12th and all tax returns are due April 15th)to meet consumer demand. The best transportation plan should include which of the following to get the company’s goods to market? electronic54. ) The railroad service which picks up truck trailers at a producer's location, loads them onto rail flatcars, hauls them close to the customer, and then delivers them to the buyer's door is: piggyback service.55. ) LusterWare, Inc. has seen most of its competitors drop out of its product-market due to declining industry sales and profits. But LusterWare still has much demand for its product from a small group of loyal customers. This product-market is in which product life cycle stage? Sales decline56. ) At what stage of the product life cycle is the firm broadening the base of their channel of distribution by shifting their focus from a pull to a push strategy? GROWTH57. ) The stage of the product life cycle in which late majority first make purchases is: maturity58. When the remote control for the color TV was first introduced to the consuming public, it was a: dynamically continuous innovation59. ) Determining the level of diffusion of innovation a product is contributing to the marketplace: helps determine the type of marketing mix to create for the product.60. ) Which degree of market exposure would probably be most suitable for a heterogeneous shopping product which has achieved brand preference and sells for about $300? Selective distribution61. ) Ciao Footwear designs and manufacturers a high-quality line of fashionable shoes that are popular amoung young professional women.The line is quite expens ive–and is sold only through specialty shops which handle only this type of fashion shoe (including competing brands). Ciao will only work with retailers who agree to stock a large variety of sizes and colors of Ciao shoes. For stores that agree to promote the Ciao line very aggressively, Ciao agrees to cut their price to the store an additional 10%, provide significant national advertising and to distribute to no more than two or three other retailers in the specialty store's immediate trading area.Since continuing promotion seems to be necessary in this highly competitive market, advertisements for Ciao shoes appear regularly in fashion magazines targeted at professional women and on select cable TV broadcasts, including broadcasts of women's tennis tournaments. What is the â€Å"ideal†market exposure for this product? selective distribution62. ) Ciao Footwear designs and manufacturers a high-quality line of fashionable shoes that are popular amoung young profession al women. The line is quite expensive–and is sold only through specialty shops which handle only this type of fashion shoe (including competing brands).Ciao will only work with retailers who agree to stock a large variety of sizes and colors of Ciao shoes. For stores that agree to promote the Ciao line very aggressively, Ciao agrees to cut their price to the store an additional 10%, provide significant national advertising and to distribute to no more than two or three other retailers in the specialty store's immediate trading area. Since continuing promotion seems to be necessary in this highly competitive market, advertisements for Ciao shoes appear regularly in fashion magazines targeted at professional women and on select cable TV roadcasts, including broadcasts of women's tennis tournaments. What product class is this in? heterogeneous shopping product63. ) Michelle is the marketing manager for a popular brand of oatmeal cookies. Various plans to increase market share by appealing to competitor's customers via advertising have failed. Michelle is planning another strategy not dependent on advertising. A recent survey shows sales are good among brand loyal customers who include the product as a regular part of their shopping list.Michelle plans to provide incentives to salespeople who call on retailers to get them to convince the stores to place additional bags of the cookies on shelf space by near/by the cash registers in the hope that non-brand loyal customers will put them in their shopping cart without thinking while waiting to check out. Michelle is positioning the cookies by the checkout stand as: an impulse product.64. ) You've just introduced a new brand of a heterogeneous shopping good. What should your brand familiaryt objective be? recognition.65. ) Connie Seagroves is shopping for a new pair of jeans.She enjoys the way Chic jeans makes her look and feel. She's aways bought Chic jeans in the past so she intends to buy Chic jeans this time as well. Unfortunately, in all the stores she shopped, although they had Chic in stock, none were in her size. Finally, in the last store she shopped, she saw a pair of Jordache jeans that were very similar to the cut and style of Chic. She tried them on and they fit – beautifully. Still, she really wanted Chic. Figuring they would be good substitutes until the stores received Chic in her size, Connie bought one pair of the Jordache jeans.What level of brand loyalty does Connie have for Chic jeans? brand preference66. ) If a large furniture retailer were to purchase Drexel (a manufacturer of sofas and chairs), this would be an example of: backward integration67. ) A new computer company with a radically new approach to computing, has a laptop priced at $99. 00). This basic laptop is targeted as the late adopter. It is as simple to operate as a calculator. It has a very small hard drive, small – but full functional keyboard, basic soundcard, and no ability to expand. I t has Microsoft WORD, EXCEL, PowerPoint, and Outlook built in.Thus, it's mean to basic schoolwork and email (with a built in wireless modem which requires signing up for a monthly access fee of 99 cents). The company plans to distribute its products only through three large discounters (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and Target) in very large cities (populations of at least 1,000,000 people). It was designed to compete against the hand-helds, but it's larger and more user friendly (with a bigger screen for ease of viewing by the target market (estimated average age of 65) and much cheaper. What product class is this product in? homogeneous shopping product68. The ABC company is marketing a rental product that allows the option of self-cremation. Although sounding somewhat bizarre to the common person, the product is targeted to the millions of elderly bedridden patients without family or friends. The buyer simply exchanges their hospital bed for the Self-Crematory Box. The box monitors the occup ants heart-beat / brain-wave activity. When both have ceased for 1 hour the box self-seals, brings the temperature inside the box to 6000 degrees and reduces the body inside to a fine white ash which is then deposited in an urn mounted on the side of the box.The box is so well-insulated you can put your hand on top of the box while the cremation process is underway without feeling any heat coming through! The box then sends a radio signal to the company which picks up the box, conducts a thorough cleaning/refueling in prepartion for rental to another customer. There is no competition since no other company has anything like it. The prototype worked so well that the company is planning to make a small number to market test it in Florida (due to the large number of potential customers there).Promotional strategies are being developed and are in the very beginning stage of implementation (first promotions appeared in local newspapers yesterday). What product class is the Self-crematory box in to the target market? new unsought good69. ) Marissa, a college student and her father, a wealthy businessman, were each considering the purchase of a new automobile. As a college student with a full-time job, Marissa has considerably more financial resources than most college students. She feels that this car needs to provide a statement of just who she is and wear her drive and ambition are taking her!She is looking for a high quality car with the look of success! She finds very few that provide the kind of self-actualization she's looking for – and each of those has a sticker price in excess of $50,000. Marissa's father however, although extremely wealthy and can easily afford cars in this price range, treats cars as basically the same. He doesn't care what it is as long as it gets him there. Although he visits car dealerships occasionally just to see what's available, he doesn't spend much time at it. He tells Marissa to buy two of whatever she gets (he'll call hi s bank to take care of the money for his).He buys a car this way whenever he wears one out. He usually drives his cars into the ground – i. e. until they totally wear out then asks whomever he knows who's going car buying to pick up one for him (of whatever they are getting – price is no object). For Marissa, this automobile is a ______________ product; for her father, the car is a ______________ product. heterogeneous shopping good; a homogeneous good70. ) A firm finds itself in a situation where it is able to accurately predict consumer demand. It predicts that it will need to store material for one month two times a year due to the seasonal nature of the product.What type of warehouse should the firm use to store this inventory? public71. ) Dell Computer packages its scanner in a plastic box. The box is designed to be reusable as a storage container to hold the myriad of loose items that seem to accumulate in any household. It's durable enough to last for years. Ini tial tests find people using the boxes to store personal belongs that need extra protection in storage sheds, the attic, etc. Engraved on all sides of the box are the Dell logo, information about Dell's other product lines; information about the safe use of the scanner as well customer service contact information.What type of packaging strategy is Dell Computer conducting? PROTECT72. ) A company has developed a long pen in various colors and with interesting sayings on the side. Directions provided with the pen show how to convert the pen to a reusable straw that is dishwasher safe when the ink runs out. Since this company is the first to market such a product, customers don't yet know about it. What packaging strategy is in use here? PRODUCT73. ) Your firm manufactures products in San Francisco. You're targeting customers in Hong Kong. They need your product to be delivered on January 1st, 2116.What's the best method of transportation to use? water74. ) The Colorado Coal Company ne eds to move its coal to intermediaries on the Atlantic coast who in turn will sell it to end users. The best means of transportation for the company to employ under normal conditions is: railroads.75) A firm finds that its customers are unwilling to try their product again after being disappointed with it on their first use. They avoid any reference to their brand even to the extent of claiming to have never heard of it just so people won't know they ever used it.The firm's target market is exhibiting ______________. brand rejection76. ) Larry White won't buy any coffee except â€Å"Blue Mountain†–a relatively expensive type that few stores sell. He used to have to drive about 10 miles out of his way to buy it at a small shop–but now he has persuaded his local supermarket manager to handle this coffee. For him, this coffee is a specialty product77. ) During a heavy rainstorm, Avery Battle slipped into a drugstore and bought an umbrella–just like the one h e had at home–for $15. 00 plus tax. In this case, the umbrella is: an emergency product78. Lake Wobegon Mills, a manufacturer of textile products, bought out the wholesaler that had been handling its distribution in Canada. This is an example of: vertical integration79. ) What level of brand loyality do makers of SPECIALTY PRODUCTS aspire to? brand insistence80. ) Your firm determines that they have a need to store excess inventory from their midwest operations due to highly variant and unpredictable changes in customer demand. Should they use public or private warehouses? Public81. ) The stage of the product life cycle in which late majority first make purchases is: maturity82. ) The stage of the product life cycle in which early adopters first make purchases is: introduction83. ) Your product has been suffering from steadily eroding sales and profits. You have tried a number of options to revitalize the product's sales and profits, but after seven changes in your strategy, you have yet to find success. Which of the following actions would be the least appropriate next step: try to stimulate primary demand.84. ) Retailers have to buy from many different sources to satisfy the diverse needs of thier customers. This is the concept of: discrepancy of assortment85. ) Your company must produce 1,000,000 units of your product in order to acheive sufficnet economies of scale to keep costs as low as possible. Customers only buy these pproducdts one at-a-time. This is the concept of: discrepancy of quantity86. ) Dell Computer packages its scanner in a plastic box with an airtight self-sealing lid designed to be reusable as a climate proof airtight attic storage box. What type of packaging strategy is Dell Computer conducting with this recent modification to the box? PRODUCT87.ABC company contracted with the XYZ company to develop edible packaging material that would be used in place of the Styrofoam peanuts currently used to insure fragile contents did not shif t in transit enough to break or become dysfunctional. The material is a nutritional supplement for any member of the rodent family (hamsters, Guinea Pig, rabbits, etc). From the supplied choices below, choose the three answers that best answer the three questions that follow. 1: What is the primary packaging strategy? 2: What is the secondary packaging strategy? 3: What is the tertiary packaging strategy?The primary packaging strategy is to protect the product. The secondary packaging strategy is to become a product itself. There is no tertiary packaging strategy88. The first electric typewriter was a _______________ innovation. dynamically continuous89. When the remote control for the color TV was first introduced to the consuming public, it was a: dynamically continuous innovation90. Nonrecognition of the brand name of a firm's product is likely to be LEAST important for: Coal91. Connie Seagroves is shopping for a new pair of jeans. She enjoys the way Chic jeans makes her look and feel.She's aways bought Chic jeans in the past so she intends to buy Chic jeans this time as well. Unfortunately, in all the stores she shopped, although they had Chic in stock, none were in her size. Finally, in the last store she shopped, she saw a pair of Jordache jeans that were very similar to the cut and style of Chic. She tried them on and they fit – beautifully. Still, she really wanted Chic. Figuring they would be good substitutes until the stores received Chic in her size, Connie bought one pair of the Jordache jeans. What level of brand loyalty does Connie have for Chic jeans? brand preference92. Products which the consumer does not know about, or knows about but does not initially want, are called: unsought goods93. In the early 1900's, GrandPa purchased his first automobile. After years of driving horse and buggies, Grandpa got in his new car and drove it into his new garage. Unfortunately, instead of using the brake to stop the new automobile, Grandpa shouted: â€Å"Whoa!! †and crashed into the wall. Grandpa's new automobile was an example of: a discontinuous innovation94. A new computer company with a radically new approach to computing, has a laptop priced at $99. 00).This basic laptop is targeted as the late adopter. It is as simple to operate as a calculator. It has a very small hard drive, small – but full functional keyboard, basic soundcard, and no ability to expand. It has Microsoft WORD, EXCEL, PowerPoint, and Outlook built in. Thus, it's mean to basic schoolwork and email (with a built in wireless modem which requires signing up for a monthly access fee of 99 cents). The company plans to distribute its products only through three large discounters (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and Target) in very large cities (populations of at least 1,000,000 people).It was designed to compete against the hand-helds, but it's larger and more user friendly (with a bigger screen for ease of viewing by the target market (estimated average age of 65) and much cheaper. What product class is this product in? homogeneous shopping product 95. Which degree of market exposure would probably be most suitable for a heterogeneous shopping product which has achieved brand preference and sells for about $300? Selective distribution96. A company has been making the same product for over 100 years. It is an essential element of almost every person's grooming requirements.Many other manufacturers make the same type of product. The company distributes it in every department store and grocery store in the nation. Competition is intense. Contribution margins are very thin. The company focuses it primary promotional efforts on advertising and its secondary effort on consumer sales promotions. What level of market exposure does this product have? intensive97. A new computer company with a radically new approach to computing, has a laptop priced at $99. 00). This basic laptop is targeted at the late adopter. It is as simple to operate as a c alculator.It has a very small hard drive, small – but full functional keyboard, basic soundcard, and no ability to expand. It has Microsoft WORD, EXCEL, PowerPoint, and Outlook built in. Thus, it's meant for basic schoolwork and email (with a built in wireless modem which requires signing up for a monthly access fee of 99 cents). The company plans to distribute its products through all large discounters such as Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and Target as well as through all outlets that currently sell inexpensive laptops. What distribution strategy is being conducted? Intensive |98.There are several modes of transportation available to assist marketers in facilitating the transfer of goods from producer to the ultimate consumer. For example, logistics managers can use railroads, trucks/motor carriers, airplanes, pipelines, or ships to transport products. Each mode of transportation has inherent advantages and disadvantages. For instance, ______________ offer the advantages of door to doo r service for pick-up and delivery, relatively fast delivery, and extensive routes. The disadvantages of this mode of transportation include size and weight restrictions, higher rates, and some sensitivity to weather. rucks/motor carriers99. The railroad service which picks up truck trailers at a producer's location, loads them onto rail flatcars, hauls them close to the customer, and then delivers them to the buyer's door is: piggyback service.100. The ABC company sells beach wear to teenagers. It plans to solicit sales from teens at the beach by taking van loads of beach wear to all the beaches in the United States each day of summer (June 22 – September 21st). The company has the beachware made in Thailand and shipped directly to it's vendors in the 40 major beach locations its targeted.The company believes it knows its market well enough such that the goods will be produced and shipped such that each vendor will receive only enough to fill the van each week. If their esti mates are right, each van vendor will receive just enough goods to fill their van on Monday and have sufficient demand to sell all of it by the following Sunday. Then they will refill their van on Monday with the next order just arriving that day. If they are not as accurate as they hope to be, the vendors will not have sold all their inventory from the previous week and the new shipment will not fit into the van (along with the emainder of the previous weeks shipment). The vendors are then authorized to place whatever excess won't fit in the van into storage. Should the vendors plan to put their excess into rental storage or should they buy some storage space. rent storage space101. Which degree of market exposure would probably be most suitable for a heterogeneous shopping product which has achieved brand preference and sells for about $300? Selective distribution102. Ciao Footwear designs and manufacturers a high-quality line of fashionable shoes that are popular amoung young pro fessional women.The line is quite expensive–and is sold only through specialty shops which handle only this type of fashion shoe (including competing brands). Ciao will only work with retailers who agree to stock a large variety of sizes and colors of Ciao shoes. For stores that agree to promote the Ciao line very aggressively, Ciao agrees to cut their price to the store an additional 10%, provide significant national advertising and to distribute to no more than two or three other retailers in the specialty store's immediate trading area.Since continuing promotion seems to be necessary in this highly competitive market, advertisements for Ciao shoes appear regularly in fashion magazines targeted at professional women and on select cable TV broadcasts, including broadcasts of women's tennis tournaments. What is the â€Å"ideal†market exposure for this product? selective distribution103. Your firm has devised a method of transportation that will eliminate the needs for all forms of mechanical transporation.The product is a form of mental training that, when complete, allows a person to tap into previously unknown parts of his/her brain to use a teleportation talent we all have but don't know to use. Although everone's abilitites are different (just as we run/walk with different abilities) just about every person has this ability in some way or another and when trained can ‘think' themselves from place-to-place; no cars, trains, boats, plane required – just fix the coordinates in your minds-eye and PUSH yourself there instanteously. This training is a: discontinuous innovation104.The first car to change from the traditional black to blue was a _______________ innovation. Continuous105. Kaye Dimmig usually buys Prell shampoo because she likes its smell. But this morning her local drugstore was out of Prell, so she decided to buy another highly advertised brand that was on sale because she really needed to wash her hair that night. For Kaye, Prell has probably achieved brand: preference.106. Nonrecognition of the brand name of a firm's product is likely to be LEAST important for: Coal107. Assume that a new automobile fuel additive is developed that increases a car's miles-per-gallon by 60%.Unlike other fuel additives that claim enhanced performance but only seem to work in certain cars under very controlled conditions, this additive has been so well proven that customers are offered a free sample with a coupon to receive a 10% discount on whatever quantity they want to buy later. The response has been dramatic. Many consumers use the free sample and return to purchase upwards of 100 treatments (one per fillup) even though the product adds 20 cents to the cost of a gallon of gas. What stage of the product life cycle is this additive in? GROWTH108.ABC company sells camel hair paint brushes only to the wealthiest and most well-known artists. These artists claim that only with the extremely high quality camel hair bru shes made by this company, are they able to produce paintings of such high quality that the average price per painting sold to the general public (albeit the wealthiest of the general public) is well over one million dollars. ABC's camel hair brushes are ____________ products. BUSINESS109. Products which the consumer does not know about, or knows about but does not initially want, are called: unsought goods.110. If a large furniture retailer were to purchase Drexel (a manufacturer of sofas and chairs), this would be an example of: backward integration111. Michelle is the marketing manager for a popular brand of oatmeal cookies. Various plans to increase market share by appealing to competitor's customers via advertising have failed. Michelle is planning another strategy not dependent on advertising. A recent survey shows sales are good among brand loyal customers who include the product as a regular part of their shopping list.Michelle plans to provide incentives to salespeople who call on retailers to get them to convince the stores to place additional bags of the cookies on shelf space by near/by the cash registers in the hope that non-brand loyal customers will put them in their shopping cart without thinking while waiting to check out. Michelle is positioning the cookies by the checkout stand as: an impulse product.112. Kari Athens was interested in buying a coffee pot to use at college and a cassette player for her sister's birthday present. At the local discount store, she compared prices on coffee pots and chose the cheapest.She read the product information on each cassette player and finally chose one with stereo headphones and a rechargeable battery. For Kari, the coffee pot was a homogeneous shopping product, but the cassette player was a heterogeneous shopping product.113. A publisher of photography books finds that it is cost-effective to print 10,000 or more at a time. But a bookstore orders only a few copies of each book since its customers want to select from a wide variety. This example shows why both discrepancies of quantity and assortment occur.114.Retailers have to buy from many different sources to satisfy the diverse needs of thier customers. This is the concept of: discrepancy of assortment115. A firm finds that its customers are unwilling to try their product again after being disappointed with it on their first use. They avoid any reference to their brand even to the extent of claiming to have never heard of it just so people won't know they ever used it. The firm's target market is exhibiting ______________. brand rejection116. A firm finds itself in a situation where it is able to accurately predict consumer demand.It predicts that it will need to store material for one month two times a year due to the seasonal nature of the product. What type of warehouse should the firm use to store this inventory? Public117. A new computer company with a radically new approach to computing, has a laptop priced at $99. 00). This basic laptop is targeted at the late adopter. It is as simple to operate as a calculator. It has a very small hard drive, small – but full functional keyboard, basic soundcard, and no ability to expand. It has Microsoft WORD, EXCEL, PowerPoint, and Outlook built in.Thus, it's meant for basic schoolwork and email (with a built in wireless modem which requires signing up for a monthly access fee of 99 cents). The company plans to distribute its products through all large discounters such as Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and Target as well as through all outlets that currently sell inexpensive laptops. What distribution strategy is being conducted? Intensive118. The Colorado Coal Company needs to move its coal to intermediaries on the Atlantic coast who in turn will sell it to end users. The best means of transportation for the company to employ under normal conditions is: railroads119. Dell Computer packages its scanner in a plastic box with an airtight self-sealing lid designed to be reusable as a climate proof airtight attic storage box. What type of packaging strategy is Dell Computer conducting with this recent modification to the box? PRODUCT120. Dell Computer recently added a picture of the recommended brand of printer best designed to print the output of a given type of scanner on the outside of the box the scanners are mailed in to consumers. What type of packaging strategy is Dell Computer conducting with this recent addition to the box? PROMOTE121. National Power Tool Co. does not own its own transport facilities, but it regularly ships small orders to the wholesalers that handle its products. Tools that are going across the country are usually shipped by rail. Regional shipments usually go by truck. National should use _______________ in practicing the Total Cost concept. a freight forwarder.122. The ABC company sells beach wear to teenagers. It plans to solicit sales from teens at the beach by taking van loads of beach wear to all the beaches in the United States each day of summer (June 22 – September 21st).The company has the beachware made in Thailand and shipped directly to it's vendors in the 40 major beach locations its targeted. The company believes it knows its market well enough such that the goods will be produced and shipped such that each vendor will receive only enough to fill the van each week. If their estimates are right, each van vendor will receive just enough goods to fill their van on Monday and have sufficient demand to sell all of it by the following Sunday. Then they will refill their van on Monday with the next order just arriving that day. If they are not as accurate as they hope to be, the vendors will not have sold all their inventory from the previous week and the new shipment will not fit into the van (along with the remainder of the previous weeks shipment). The vendors are then authorized to place whatever excess won't fit in the van into storage. Should the vendors plan to put their excess into rental storage or should they buy some storage space. rent storage space123. The ABC company's ability to stay ahead of the competition depends on its ability to differentiate its product from those of its rivals.The problem is: most consumers see the product as essentially no different than its competitors. ABC company uses an advertising strategy that positions the product as high on brand prestige and competitive on price. ABC distributes the product through every discount outlet that would normally carry it so as to insure consumers will have it to choose from when they shop. ABC's product strategy is to cut costs by making no changes to the product at all. The product's color, design, functionality, etc. hasn't changed in years.Yet, survey's show consumers perceive the product to be superior in quality to all of its competition. This is due to the intense advertising emphasis on product/brand quality! The company feels this type of product is unlikely to be replaced anyti me soon, so counts on it as an integral part of its product line in its long-term planning. Based on this information alone: What stage of the Product Life Cycle is this product in? maturity124. At what stage of the product life cycle is the firm broadening the base of their channel of distribution by shifting their focus from a pull to a push strategy?GROWTH125. During what stage of the PLC is the primary focus of the firm's promotional strategy on informing early adopters and early majority of the benefits of their product and persuading them that their product is better than the competition's? GROWTH126. A company has developed a long pen in various colors and with interesting sayings on the side. Directions provided with the pen show to to convert the pen to a reusable straw that is dishwasher safe when the ink runs out. What packaging strategy is in use here? PRODUCT127.In order to raise money to go to college, two high school senior entrepreneurs are marketing home-grown fruit s and vegetables to consumers along the roadside. The entrepreneurs know that home gardens often produce more than the families can consume. Knowing that the home gardner's appreciate earning a little cash for their excess, the entrepreneurs visit local home gardens to buy any excess they are producing. They collect a good assortment of freshly picked produce which they then sell by the side of the road from the back of their truckThus, the home gardner grew the fruits and vegetables, sold them to these entrepreneurs, who then sold them to the local people as they drove by on the road. The home gardners are using a(n) ________ method of distribution for their excess produce. an indirect channel of distribution128. Handy Tools Company has recently introduced a newly designed socket wrench with a form fitting no-slip grip. The firm is spending a lot of money to make potential consumers aware of the existence of the new product. Sales have been slow to rise over the past year and profi t has yet to be achieved.What stage of the product life cycle is Handy Tool's product in? Maturity stage129. A manufacturer of a consumer product is trying to establish brand recognition and preference in monopolistic competition. The firm places considerable emphasis on channel development and is becoming somewhat less selective in its choice of middlemen. Promotion is both informative and persuasive–as the firm is seeking to increase both primary and selective demand. Prices in the industry are competitive–but there has been little price-cutting to date. What stage of the product life cycle is this firm's situtation characteristic of: GROWTH130. A firm finds itself in a situation where it is unable to accurately predict consumer demand. Rather than risk stock-outs that might drive consumers to competitors, the firm decides to stockpile inventory close to market centers. This enables the firm to quickly replenish any store as necessary. What type of warehouse should t he firm use to store this inventory? PRIVATE131. An industry's sales have leveled off and profits are declining in oligopolistic competition. Consumers see competing products as â€Å"homogeneous. †Several firms have dropped out of the industry, but a new one entered recently.Firms in the industry are trying to avoid price-cutting by spending on persuasive advertising. These firms are competing in which stage of the product life cycle? MARKET MATURITY132. James River Paper (JRP) recently introduced Absorb, a new double-thick paper towel aimed at families with children. Primarily and industrial products manufacturer, JRP had produced paper towels for a few large grocery chains to sell as their own dealer brand. But Absorb was its first attempt at marketing a consumer product under its own brand. So far, results are not encouraging.Only a few wholesalers have taken on the line. Most are very reluctant to handle Absorb, claiming that retail shelves are already overcrowded with paper towels. What is the â€Å"ideal†market exposure for this product? INTENSIVE DISTRIBUTION133. A large food retailer acquiring a cheese factory is an example of: BACKWARD INTEGRATION134. Laurie Owens visits the local Healthy Glow spa, but dislikes the dirty dressing area and refuses to go back. This is an example of BRAND REJECTION135. What should your firm's brand loyaity objective be when it launches its newest (unknown) brand of bicycle next month? rand recognition136. Your firm sells automobiles. Each car comes with a 5-year – 50,000 mile warranty. These warranties are None of the above137. There are big shifts in demand from season to season for the lawn mowers produced by Grow Green Co. –and its need for storage facilities also varies. Grow Green should use: public warehousing facilities138. A marketing manager in Denver, Colorado who wants to ship small quantities (1,500 pounds) of relatively high-value products short distances at an economical cost where time is not a factor should use: trucks139.The Xyz company has developed a new hairdryer that fits more comfortably in the users hand through its using a rubber handle instead of the plastic used by other competitors. The marketing manager for this product needs to design a marketing mix to market it to its target market. The marketing manager should use which stage of the Product Life Cycle as the basis for developing this marketing mix? maturity140. Your product is packaged such that it is the package may be consumed by the buyer as if it were candy. Once the product is removed frm the package, the customer can eat it.What packaging objective is being sought here? PRODUCT141. Publishers of photography books find it is more cost-effective to publish specialty books targeted to just a few niche markets and print large quantities at a time than to print off just a few to meet on-going demand. Bookstores, knowing that their customers represent the broadest range of all niche-mar kets, order only a few copies of each book for each market to enable its customers to select from a wide variety. This example shows: (choose all that apply) j. Discrepancies of quantity . Discrepancies of assortment142. Zoecon Corporation sells its insect control chemicals to homeowners through an 800 number in which customers can order online and have delivered via UPS. A modified compound is sold to distributors who supply brands of aerosol bug spray to such companies as the Boyle-Midway Division of American Home Products for use in its Black-Flag Roach Ender brand. This is an example of: dual distribution143. Marissa, a college student and her father, a wealthy businessman, were each considering the purchase of a new automobile.As a college student with limited financial resources, Marissa feels that economy cars are all have essentially the same quality and only have minor differences in the features. She decided that the new mega dealership (over 1,000 cars on the lot (most in the economy class) provided the best place to start. With luck, she could drive one off that lot today. Marissa's father however, treats cars as a basic necessity. He doesn't care what he drives. He tells Merissa to buy two of whatever she gets (he'll call his bank to take care of the money for his).He buys a car like this every year (asking whomever he knows who's going car buying to pick up one for him (of whatever they are getting – price is no object) since he refuses to drive a ‘used' car. For Marissa, this automobile is a __homogeneous shopping____ product; for her father, the car is a ___a convenience good___________ product144. A new company introduces a new brand of a specialty product that's in the mature stage of the PLC. The product has a slow start as it competes head-on with its competition, but has such strong appeal after a short time hat it catches up fast then passes all other competitors. Eventually, discontinuous innovations take it out of vogue and its sales begin to fall. More and more competition erodes its market share. Soon, its hard for most people to remember if the product is still available. Later, most folks wouldn't know what kind of product you were talking about if you mentioned the brand to them. The most likely path this company experienced with respect to brand loyalty for this product from the moment the company's brand first appears on the market to its eventual demise is:? Assume the company makes no changes to the product from its i
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