Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The New York Stock Market - 1635 Words
The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing,†is a relevant quote relating to the stock market during the 1920s quoted by Phillip Fisher, one of the most influential investors. The booming years of the 1920s, stocks and bonds were being sold at higher values than people could invest. Customers, banks and investors took money out of their pink piggy banks and embarked on investing in the New York Exchange Stock Exchange, nicknamed â€Å"Big Board†, on Wall Street. The New York Stock Exchange is the leading global exchange for today’s companies and customers. The New York Stock Exchange got gigantic demands from customers in the 1920s for a thrill of getting rich and effortless money. Investment companies and bankers bought up great stocks. They continued buying stocks and borrowing loans because they thought this boom would continue. The stock market grew rapidly as prosperity came into play during the 1920 s since America want all these new and exciting products. The 1920s can appear to be described as the â€Å"years of prosperity†. New inventions and technology began to gleam in the 1920s, resulting with the rise in consumerism. The celebration of technology and rise in consumerism contributed to the selling of stocks and bonds, and the formation of â€Å"Black Thursday†and â€Å"Black Tuesday†. America had many methods that took place as they would continue to confide in the stock market for their loans and finances. For example,Show MoreRelatedThe New York Stock Market1251 Words  | 6 Pages Mentioned the words stock market to anyone in the United States and you are likely to get a vast array of comments, from excitement over making lots of money, to anger of losing lots of money. Everyone seems to have an opinion about the stock market, yet only about 50 percent of Americans are invested in the stock market. A troubling aspect is that few individuals actually understand how the stock market works. These individuals are taking a risk by investing in stocks that they do not trulyRead MoreThe Stock Security Market : The New York Stock Exchange761 Words  | 4 PagesThe New York Stock Exchange The stock exchange is a global network that organizes the marketplace where every day a large amount of money moves from one investor to another with the main purpose of making a profit. There are several security markets in the United States, but one of the largest security exchanges market is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The NYSE is an auction market that uses floor traders to make most of its trades. It has two methods of trading, the traditional floor brokersRead MoreFinancial Markets And The New York Stock Exchange1032 Words  | 5 PagesFinancial markets can have several different meaning to many people. They are found all over the world. Some are small and some are large. For example, the New York Stock Exchange, which trade trillions of dollars daily. A financial market is a place where buyers and sellers trade financial securities and other assets.Here, the groups of agents meet to exchange their goods or services. The first group is referred to as lenders, while t he second group is referred to as the borrowers of funds. FinancialRead MoreThe National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ) and the New York Stock1300 Words  | 6 PagesAutomated Quotations (NASDAQ) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) are two of the largest and most known stock exchanges across the globe. Both of these stock exchanges handles and mediates the trade, sale, and purchasing of different stocks, bonds, and securities. While both of these stock exchanges have their own unique methods and forms of purchasing and selling stocks, they both serve the same purpose and function, which is a marketplace for the sales of stocks. While the differences between NYSERead MoreThe History of the Stock Market Essay830 Words  | 4 PagesThe History of the Stock Market In the beginning, there was no real stock market. However stock exchanges did take place in smaller groups and corporations. This all took place during the 1700s where stocks were already around for a long time before that but it wasnt really popular in the United States. Stocks originally started as auctions where traders called out names of companies and the shares available. There was a auction that took place and the shares went to the highest biddersRead MoreWall Street : The New York Stock Exchange1117 Words  | 5 PagesWithin New York City, Wall Street is concentrated with most of United States’ financial industries. Through different movies, such as Leonardo DiCaprio’s Wolf of Wall Street and Charlie Sheen’s Wall Street accurately portray the heart of Wall Street: The New York Stock Exchange. The New York Stock Exchange began on May 17, 1792, the earliest record of organized securities trading. On that day, twenty-four brokers signed the Buttonwood A greement, setting a floor commission rate of 0.25% charged toRead MoreThe Stock Market: A Valuable Gamble693 Words  | 3 PagesThe stock market is a lot like gambling because people can win big money if they are lucky enough. The stock market plays a pivotal role in the growth of the industry and commerce of the country and eventually affects the economy of the country to a great extent. If a company want to raise funds for further expansion or setting up a new business venture, it has to either take a loan from a financial organization, or they have to issue shares through the stock market. Student of the economy shouldRead MoreStock Market Crash of 1929 Essay878 Words  | 4 Pagessignaled a new era after the end of World War 1; an era of hopefulness when many people invested their money that was under the mattresses at home or in the bank. In the 1920s, the stock market reputation did not appear to be a risky investment, until 1929. First noticeable in 1925, the stock market prices began to rise as more people invested their money. During 1925 and 1926, the stock prices vacillated but in 1927, it had an upward trend. The stock market boom had started by 1928. The stock market wasRead MoreThe Stock Markets Impact on Our Lives Essay1359 Words  | 6 PagesIt’s the New York Stock Exchange and has been trading stocks since 1817. The stock market has a definite impact on our lives (just ask those who lived during The Great Depression.) It is an institution that has made people unfathomably wealthy, along with impossibly poor. Today the New York Stock Exchange has over 2,300 different companies trading stock valued at just over 16 trillion dollars. Currently there are over one hundred unique stock exchanges throughout the world. A Stock exchangeRead MoreThe Stock Market And Stock Exchange1500 Words  | 6 Pagesencompass the importance of the U.S stock market/stock exchange versus the Chinese stock market/ stock exchange, with a brief introduction about how each stock market/stock exchange came into existence, the importance of each stock market/stock exchange, how the U.S and Chinese manage their stock markets/stock exchange, how corporations are appointed plus the rules and regulations. This will also entail random facts about each stock market/stock exchange. Stock markets are like hitting a royal flush,
Monday, December 16, 2019
Naturalistic Observation Free Essays
Naturalistic observation happens when they are studied naturally, which means the observer cannot control the conditions. The structured observations are set up to provoke certain behaviors of interest. These most of the time are not normal behaviors for the children who are being observed. We will write a custom essay sample on Naturalistic Observation or any similar topic only for you Order Now The benefits of using naturalistic observation is the fact that there are no factors that are making the child act different. This could limit though the responses that you get from the child because they don’t know what you are doing, and they may make themselves act a little different because they are being observed. I believe that using naturalistic observation is a good way because you can see naturally how the child is and what they do without any directions or orders. The benefits of using structured observations are you asking the children questions or giving them tasks and kind of being prepared for what they may do. This helps you compare data of children of the same age on what they would do. Structured observation This method had limits because the children aren’t acting as they would naturally, yes, they have the freedom to answer the questions to their desire or perform the task as they wish, but that isn’t how the child is naturally. This type of observation is kind of controlled observation, which could make the child feel more nervous than just getting observed. The observation style that I agree with is the naturalistic observation. I say this because you get to see how the child is naturally, without any limitations. This could help you compare the acts of children with disabilities versus the children without disabilities. Using naturalistic observation, it allows you to see the true actions and emotions of the child because you don’t have any restraints or objectives of the observation. How to cite Naturalistic Observation, Essays Naturalistic Observation Free Essays Naturalistic observation is considered as one of the basic methods in psychological research and study. This fundamental research methodology is known to divulge and aid the psychologist in his or her critical analysis of the human behavior and characteristics while in socially acceptable public domain in his or her course of interacting with other individuals in their aspect of addressing their sociological needs. In this aspect of human interaction, psychologist try to significantly analyze the human nature as shown by their actions both involving the verbal and non-verbal communication style and how individuals manifest their motives while adhering to the social values and cultures pertaining to public communication. We will write a custom essay sample on Naturalistic Observation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Naturalistic observation is commonly an actual observation of subjects mainly while they are in their course of social interaction specifically while they are in the public place. In the course of implementing this method, the researcher must also observe social values and cultural manners thus preventing any offensive act during the observation. In addition, the concept of personal privacy and inappropriate intrusion should also be constantly observed while the researcher is observing the subjects. All of these limitations must be implemented while the researcher observed the subjects in an isolated nature keeping his or her presence unnoticed and ideally absent to the personal space of the subject during their interaction. The only aspect to be focused on in this project is the psychological behavior of the subject as manifested by their very intricate details such as gestures, voice, reaction, facial expression and impression and others. Project: Naturalistic Observation In this aspect of applying the method of naturalistic observation during an actual psychological study, this author conducted a personal project using the said methodology. In this study, the researcher particularly this author will try to support the psychological hypothesis postulated by Aronson (et al, 2004) and Lesko (2000) regarding the psychological behavior and actions of individuals during an actual social interaction. This hypothesis will significantly govern the psychological observation project and will guide the researcher in establishing an interactional pattern as observed through the subjects. In this observation, the researcher presumptively hypothesized that the dominant speaker in the first part of the conversation will likely speak more frequently in the later part of the conversation. The chosen subjects are a man and a woman both Caucasians who are dining in a restaurant and are observably conversing with each other regarding a specific matter which both of them can relate. It is very apparent from the observable verbal and non-verbal aspect of their communication that the topic they are conversing is very critical as they both stresses their own involvement and awareness to it. Verbal recording is not very likely in this situation as an attempt to push this is prevented by the environment and the situation at hand however, few notes of recorded key words denotes that they are talking about a legal and ethical issue in their work environment. Words mentioned such as â€Å"management†, â€Å"chief-of-executives†, â€Å"a settlement bargain†and â€Å"what the labor union ought to do†will denote that they are both involve in the same job and in the same issue they are both probably working with. This will suggests that the situation is likely an informal meeting between the two, possible from different party, to discuss some important details regarding their business issue or a settlement for the resolution of their topic. This is established to be informal by the researcher as suggested by their attire as they are into casual wear. In non-verbal observation, the actions and gestures of the subjects will denote that they are with a professional background as their etiquettes and manners are significantly refined for the matter (Aronson et al, 2004; Lesko, 2000). In addition, their gesture mainly the speaker, at their specific chances, will suggests a clear and direct emphasis on his or her point thus suggesting that their topic is indeed of high importance (Lesko, 2000). This concept is further followed with the high intention of the other to listen carefully and then reply with his or her personal opinion on the matter with a language that is concise and direct to the point. The observed intonations and voice volume is noticeably well modulated suggesting that both of the subjects as well versed in the field of the topic and that they are cautious of offending the other. With critical and empirical observation of the subjects, this researcher has noted that the man seems to be speaking more frequently while the woman speaks primarily in response to the man’s idea. This factor suggests that the man has the part of proposal or he is the one with the main intention for the meeting, which is likely established by him. The verbal aspect of the woman can thus be regarded to be as a commentary or a supplementary mean in this conversation making her the character that the proposal is focused with. In the aspect of considering the hypothesis that is previously stated, the man is postulated to speak more frequently in the following period. And in the observed subjects, the man is indeed noted to have spoken more frequently than the woman, which establishes the hypothesized interactional pattern in the social behavior of the observed individuals. Conclusion As observed in the conducted naturalistic observation, it has been determined by this author that social interaction of individuals are indeed influenced by their natural nature and motives manifesting through the creation of the dominant speaker and the other being the receiver. The person who has the greater aim and intention in each social interaction who is more likely than one who established the said meeting has the greater possibility of becoming the main speaker in the conversation. On the other hand, the other party becomes the main receiver as his or her speech becomes supplementary or commentary with that of the other. Thus, in social interaction, it is very likely that one party manifest as the dominant side to guide and focus the conversation as he or she has the greater intention in the said interaction. Bibliography Aronson, E. Wilson T. D. Akert R. M. (2004). Social Psychology. Prentice Hall, NY, USA. 5th Edition. Lesko, W. A. (2000). Readings in Social Psychology: General, Classic and Contemporary Selections. Allyn and Bacon, Boston, USA. 5th Edition. How to cite Naturalistic Observation, Essays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The United Kingdom - A Sophisticated Retail Sector
Question: Demonstrate the influence of environmental and behavioural factors on corporate size, structure and strategy. Understand the processes of business planning and policy making and the reason for change over time. Appreciate the effects of government policies towards monopolies and restrictive practices. Answer: Introduction Carrefour founded in 1959 by Marcel Fournier and Louis Defforey now operates as a multinational retailer based on the food and grocery sector. The company recorded current annual revenue of 75.86 billion Euro during 2014 based on operating along its 10,101 locations based along different countries. The paper reflects on the international expansion plans of the French retailer in the foreign market of United Kingdom. Macro and Micro Environmental Factors in UK Market Analysis of Macro Environment Political Impacts The current government of United Kingdom focuses on enhancing the buyer potential of the residents through the generation of larger income opportunities for the different households. Increased flow of money to the hands of the UK households would help in encouraging the consumers to continue their buying spree from the retail outlets. The analysis of the political impacts thus reflects a positive impact on the food retail sector in United Kingdom(Retail Economics , 2015). Economic Impacts The productivity of the retail and wholesale food chains is observed to counter a decline during the 2013 and 2014 periods owing to increase in the level of inputs compared to the amount of outputs generated by the wholesale and retail units. The growth in the amount of labour by around 2.3 percent during 2013 affected the productivity of the food and drink based retail sector by around 3.1 percent. The food wholesale sector also reflected a decline in productivity by around 1.6 percent compared to 2013 owing to the continual increase in input volumes(Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs , 2016). The same is reflected in the following graphs. (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs , 2016) (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs , 2016) Social Impacts The consumers associated with the food and grocery retail and wholesale sector in United Kingdom are observed to reflect increased interest for an attractive store appearance along with the existence of needed customer service and also generation of potential service quality. The retail and wholesale companies are thus required for generating increased amount of investments for contributing in store expansion, enhancing store appearances and also in generating needed training to the customer service and operational staffs such that the retail staffs gain the needed potential for effectively servicing the diversified needs of customers to generate needed customer satisfaction(Wood McCarthy, 2013). The growth in the number of store outlets relating to the grocery retail sector along the period ranging from 2002 to 2013 is reflected as under. (Wood McCarthy, 2013) Technological Impacts The food retail and wholesale sector in United Kingdom reflects the incorporation of effective technologies like the multichannel marketing paradigm and also the use of agile supply chain. Both the multichannel marketing and agile supply chain technology incorporated by the retail and wholesale food and grocery retail chains require the use of different information technology gadgets and also different programs and software in that the same helps in integrating the different stakeholders like customers, suppliers, operational staffs and managers for meeting the objectives of retail productivity and performance. The incorporation of the multichannel platform contributes in effectively promoting and also in generating needed awareness about the retail and wholesale brand in the larger consumer market and also in helping customers gain a seamless shopping experience(Bevis, 2014). Legal Impacts The wholesale and retail organisations based in United Kingdom are required to strictly abide by regulation and policies regarding trading of organic food products. The trading of organic food products requires the certification to be gained from an approved organic control body (OCB). The food retail and wholesale firms face inspection from the concerned authority regarding the following of European Union (EU) standards for organic food before labelling and trading the products as organic foods(GOV.UK, 2013). Environmental Impacts Firms operating in the United Kingdom based food retail and wholesale sector are required to fulfil environmental objectives based on meeting the objectives of carbon footprint. The retail companies are required to reduce the emission levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide from its distribution and transport operations and also from its retail and supply chain operations. Further, the food retail and wholesale companies are also required to potentially reduce the amount the amount of food wastage and also potentially reduce the level of usage of plastic packets in that the same would help in protecting the natural environment(Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2011). Analysis of Micro Environment Consumer Bargaining Power The availability of internet enabled gadgets like laptops, tablets, Smartphones and computers and also its enhanced use by consumers in United Kingdom has helped the latter to continually interact with the different food retail and wholesale companies for gaining an effective understanding of the offers and promotions generated by the retail firms. Similarly, the food and grocery retail and wholesale firms based on the use of internet enabled gadgets also communicate with the customers regarding new product and service offerings. The above activity helps the consumers get armed with necessary information for generating effective decisions regarding purchases of the food products(OECD, 2013). Supplier Bargaining Power The grocery and food retail and wholesale companies based in United Kingdom are required to continually interact with the suppliers and vendor firms such that the same helps in monitoring the practices of suppliers and vendors in generating ethical and organic food products(Custance et al., 2012). Existence of Substitutes The firms operating in the food and grocery retail sector in United Kingdom face potential competition from the existence of several small firms and stores operating as substitutes. The substitute units generate products at reduced rates to the consumers. Internal Rivalry Food and grocery retailers like Tesco, Morrisons, Asda and also Sainsbury tend to intensely compete with each other in the United Kingdom market. The entries of discount retailers like Aldi and Lidl have further increased the level of internal rivalry in the market(The Guardian , 2014). Entry Barriers The entry for foreign food and grocery retailers in the UK market is restricted such that the foreign firms can only take resort of importing products to the UK retailers as a means to gain an entry in the retail sector. US retail firms work with UK based importers for supplying of food and grocery products for enabling market entry in the region(Vasquez, 2016). Impact of UK Governments Policy of Merger and Acquisition The UK Governments policy on merger and acquisition is evaluated to potentially affect the profit margins of the food and grocery retail firms operating in United Kingdom. The policy on mergers of food and grocery retail firms in UK requires the food and grocery retailers to largely reduce their prices for the different products and services. The same acts as an effective incentive for the consumers at the cost of the productivity and efficiency levels of the food and grocery retailers. The UK Government encourages the event of mergers for discouraging the actions of retail and wholesale companies of charging increased prices from the consumers(Hosken et al., 2012). Further, the expansion regime of large grocery retail companies like Tesco and Sainsbury are argued by the Office of Fair Trade (OFT) and like government authorities in that the expansion activities of the large retail corporations are being conducted based on the use of mergers and acquisitions. The convenience stores and supermarkets in their bid to expand and gain a larger market share in the UK grocery and food retail market are continually absorbing small and medium retailers in the region. The same is observed to affect the business potential of these small retail units and shops. Owing to the above reason, the United Kingdom government has generated policy measures for monitoring and deterring the expansion drives of the grocery and food retailers where the same is focused on acquiring small retail firms and shops conducting business in the region. The UK Governments merger and acquisition policy regarding grocery and food retailing largely focuses on generating equal chances for the local and small retailers to compete with the large retail corporations. The government also requires greater number of shopping alternatives to be available for the local consumers other than the big supermarkets. The above view of the UK Government regarding the merger and acquisition activities of the retail firms in United Kingdom for generating needed expansions affects the growth strategy of the retail corporations(Seely, 2012). The discussion reflects that the view taken by the UK Government regarding growth strategy of retail firms based on mergers and acquisitions is taken to affect the growth strategy of Carrefour where the wholesale retailer focuses on aggressive mergers and acquisition activities to expand its market share in the global marketplace. Application of the Kurt Lewins Change Model The Change management model envisaged by Kurt Lewin is carried out along three main stages like Unfreezing, Change and thereby Freezing. The Unfreezing aspect of the model requires the business institution focusing on generating change to motivate based on identifying the different opportunities that would be gained by the retail institution while expanding in the international market. The second aspect reflects on the Changes needed to be brought about in the existing organisational culture in that the same would help in adequately making the business institution to effectively adapt the culture of the foreign market. The same requires the organisational managers to communicate the changes required of the staffs based on operational and policy changes. Finally, Refreezing activities are required to be carried out based on the generation of norms and rules that would help the business institution to operate in the changed scenario(Cummings Worley, 2014). Reflecting on the Unfreezing approach, Carrefours management ideally reflects that its venture of expanding in the international market of United Kingdom would generate potential opportunities associated with its existent online marketing paradigm and also different types of formats like discount stores, hyper and supermarkets, and convenience stores. Carrefour operating based on a large number of diversified formats is taken to counter the competition in the UK grocery and food retail sector. Moreover, Carrefour also reflects needed potential of meeting consumer expectations for UK consumers regarding gaining of quality products from large stores at affordable rates(Schroeder, 2012). Reflecting on the Change aspect, the staffs and managers of Carrefour need to potentially understand the need for longer working hours and meeting tasks within strict deadlines. Further, the British working culture also reflects the need to conduct frequent meetings based on an unplanned fashion in major cases. However, planned meetings are also generated based on generating notifications to the staffs based on writing. The British operating culture also reflect the need for making effective presentations based on use of British accent. The same requires Carrefour for training its staffs to speak based on British accent. Carrefour to conduct its business operations in United Kingdom also requires understanding the need for teamwork and requires its managers for working in a collaborative fashion while taking decisions(Nanquette, 2013). Finally, reflecting on the aspect of Refreezing Carrefours managers need to enforce rules as long working hours, information sharing, working based on a team culture and collaborative framework to achieve organisational goals. Further, the staffs are also required to focus on developing British accent and also work to make effective presentations for sharing of potential information and decisions. Conclusion The analysis of the macro and micro environmental factors regarding Carrefours entry into United Kingdom reflects a mixture of motivators and challenges that are required to be identified by the retail institution as opportunities and threats while endeavouring to gain an entry into the foreign UK food retail market. Challenges are also reflected based on the UK governments stand regarding merger and acquisition based expansion strategy used by Carrefour. The Kurt Lewin model is also incorporated that would help Carrefour for effectively expanding in the UK retail market. Recommendations Carrefour is required to form effective partnership and ties with importing firms in United Kingdom in that the same helps the food wholesaler for developing an effective presence in the foreign territory. The French wholesaler is further required to form effective relationship with potential suppliers and vendors for gaining access to quality products and marketing them to consumers at affordable rates. Use of online marketing paradigm on an effective scale would help Carrefour in gaining needed penetration in the foreign market. References Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2011. The United Kingdom - A Sophisticated Retail Sector. [Online] Available at: https://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/industry-markets-and-trade/statistics-and-market-information/by-region/europe/market-intelligence/the-united-kingdom-a-sophisticated-retail-sector/?id=1410083148597 [Accessed 27 March 2016]. Bevis, M., 2014. The future of the grocery sector in the UK. [Online] Available at: https://www.retailthinktank.co.uk/whitepaper/the-future-of-the-grocery-sector-in-the-uk/ [Accessed 27 March 2016]. Cummings, T.G. Worley, C.G., 2014. Organization Development and Change. United States : Cengage Learning. Custance, P., Harness, D. Lindgreen, A., 2012. Market Orientation: Transforming Food and Agribusiness around the Customer. United Kingdom : Gower Publishing. Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs , 2016. Total Factor Productivity of the United Kingdom Food Chain 2014 - provisional estimate. [Online] Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/495683/foodchainanalysis-productivity-statsnotice-28jan16.pdf [Accessed 27 March 2016]. GOV.UK, 2013. Organic certification and standards. [Online] Available at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/organic-certification-and-standards [Accessed 27 March 2016]. Hosken, D., Olson, L.M. Smith, L.K., 2012. Do Retail Mergers Affect Competition? Evidence from Grocery Retailing. Washington DC: FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION. Nanquette, L., 2013. Orientalism Versus Occidentalism: Literary and Cultural Imaging Between France and Iran Since the Islamic Revolution. France : I.B.Tauris. OECD, 2013. Competition Issues in the Food Chain Industry. [Online] Available at: https://www.oecd.org/daf/competition/CompetitionIssuesintheFoodChainIndustry.pdf [Accessed 27 March 2016]. Retail Economics , 2015. Outlook for the retail sector in 2015. 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