Thursday, September 3, 2020
Revelations at Saini Essay Example For Students
Disclosures at Saini Essay As a Jewish individual, there are a few records in history that you simply recollect since there are imbedded into your psyche as a staple or the establishment for your religion and even as a major aspect of your way of life. In the Tanakh, Deuteronomy 6:1 says that And this is the guidance the laws and the standards. That the LORD your G-d has told me to give to you, to be seen in the land that you are going to cross into and occupy(Deuteronomy 6:1). If you somehow managed to peruse this as an independent proclamation, you can't attest any clarification to what this implies. Nonetheless, if you somehow happened to utilize this as a complimentary proclamation to tie in Exodus 19-24, it would bode well. The motivation behind why this announcement bodes well is that we are recounted to the tale of the Jewish people groups getting away from Egypt just as their excursion to the guarantee land in Exodus. Through this story, we start to learn of the laws, the desires, and the orders G-d gi ves his kin. The fundamentals are clarified in the following not many sentences. On their excursion, Moses gets the chance to Mount Sinai and is advised by the sacred one to ascend the mountain. Right now, both he and G-d are as far as anyone knows composing the five books. Moses is likewise given the Ten Commandments. Presently, to look at precisely what Moses and G-d did cooperatively is basic. The Torah is essentially the record of the Jewish individuals and imbedded within it are 600 and thirteen laws. Presently, in the event that you consider what the ten rules are, they are the ten brilliant guidelines, the basic ones maybe that we are educated to crash into the ground and into our brains what we should do so as to comply with the Holy one. By knowing the subtleties above, we would then be able to break down this content on an academic level. To start with, it is important to dismember this announcement. The announcement: And this is the guidance the laws and the guidelines. - expresses a c ouple of things. To start with, it says, G-d has addressed Moses and from this discussion, both of them have gone to a comprehension and understanding maybe of what an individual is required to comply. It likewise doesn't make any separation between the word laws and rules. G-ds utilizes an extremely authoritative voice utilizing the word law. Then again, the shared choices made between G-d and Moses utilizing the word rule is unmistakably heard in the content however never referenced as LAW stanzas RULE. In the event that the individuals don't follow this course or way that G-d has set out for them, the outcome with not impact the individuals particularly as these individuals the place where there is their own kin. This is legitimized in the explanation that the LORD your G-d has directed me to confer to you, to be seen in the land that you are going to cross into and occupy.One case of a law is: Six days you will accomplish your work, however on the seventh day, you will stop work all together that your OX and your rear end may rest, and that your bondman, and the outsider might be revived. (Mass migration 23:12) Whenever you here the word will with exceptionally express guidelines, it typically recommends that G-d requires an individual to do that activity. This occurrence essentially says that an individual should love G-d on the entire day yet on one specific rest and love him particularly. During that day, everybody ought to reformulate the bonds and rest so a progressively gainful workplace existed. So by G-d offering the immediate expressions with the word will, we realize this is a MUST laws in the content. .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e , .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e .postImageUrl , .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e , .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e:hover , .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e:visited , .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e:active { border:0!important; } .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e:active , .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e:hover { haziness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enrichment: underline; } .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-design: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a 9a5d91cf3e .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u65ec026a2b2dcb36e02d2a9a5d91cf3e:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Archimedes EssayAn case of rule follows the above proclamation. In Exodus 23:13, we read, Be careful concerning all that I have let you know. Make no notice of the names of other G-ds; they will not be heard all the rage. This announcement is both a standard and a law. The standard is simply ensuring you are effectively mindful of your environmental factors and the activities of others. G-d doesn't state you should do it. He just says it would be for your advantage that you do this. This can be extricated from the announcement: Be careful concerning all that I have let you know. Be that as it may, G-d at that point makes the notice that simultaneously you will not do the accompanying: Make no notice of the names of other G-ds; they will not be heard all the rage. He says basically: you should simultaneously not trust in or notice the name of another figure of love in such a case that you do, at that point you void his character and you never again are separated of his kin. Along these lines, by looking at the language of law stanzas rule has an unmistakable limit since its unequivocal quality is formed much in an unexpected way. There is no legitimate supposition since this is the essential source. Since no critique exists, we can't see the creators point of view aside from the content itself. Along these lines the creators whoever it may be needed us to comprehend the earnestness of the content by utilizing the dialects they did. The exercise I took from this is the language says a great deal. On the off chance that the words are solid and the picture given is exceptionally unequivocal, this is certainly something G-d needs you to follow in a particular standard structure. Then again, if G-d proposes an announcement yet never expounds into the particular subtleties, we can work together the thought when in doubt. The most significant thing however is that the assessment of the language lets us know whether not shouts to us certain subtleties that we may not follow. Accordingly, focusing on key directional words, for example, will, mindful, told, and watched are significant since they hold the center substan ce in the content together. Book reference:
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Prepositions That Follow the Verb Alert
Relational words That Follow the Verb Alert Relational words That Follow the Verb Alert Relational words That Follow the Verb Alert By Maeve Maddox I initially saw the nonstandard utilization of the relational word of following cautioned in this thing on a site about uncompassionate government arrangements: After the city chamber was cautioned of the free snacks, it decided that she would need to gain a change to part with food the following summer †or pay a fine of $600 every day. At the point when I did a web search of the expression â€Å"alerted of,†I discovered hundreds, for the most part in features: Todd County Sheriff’s Officials Alerted Of Phone Scam Oil Company Was Alerted of Michigan Spill PAC was alarmed of chit subsidize trick in August a year ago Guardians alarmed of challenging hack in Elmbrook School Dist. The action word alarm and its past participle structure cautioned are typically trailed by the relational word to: Police made aware of shooter in vehicle Newfane Community Alerted to Home Invasion Guardians made aware of ill-advised web use The descriptive word alert is additionally trailed by to: Guardians must be aware of youngster predators. Be aware of any adjustment in conduct. The saying â€Å"on the alert†is trailed by for: The soldiers were watching out for land mines. The book gatherer was watching out for the missing Dickens first version. Alert entered English in the sixteenth century from French alerte, â€Å"watchful, vigilant.†The word began in Middle French as an expression utilized by the military: l’herte, â€Å"on the post, on the watch.†Alert is utilized as a thing to mean â€Å"a call or military sign to get ready for an assault; an admonition of likely peril; a declaration to watch out for.†Some instances of this utilization are: tornado alert, red caution, Amber alarm. As an action word, alert is transitive: The retailer made police aware of the nearness of the needed man. The nonstandard utilization of â€Å"alerted of†rather than â€Å"alerted to†might be the aftereffect of mistaking alert for caution. Individuals are cautioned of risk, yet made aware of peril. Need to improve your English quickly a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Expressions classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:Writing Prompts 101Rules for Capitalization in Titles10 Humorous, Derisive, or Slang Synonyms for â€Å"Leader†or â€Å"Officialâ€
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Animal Essay Example For Students
Creature Essay CellsMy cell is the creature cell It truly relies upon which cell you are discussing various cells do various things. For example, skin cells. They structure a barrieron the outside of the body which secures the organs and tissues inside. Itstops them getting harmed by knocks and thumps and furthermore forestalls microbes andviruses from getting into your body. The cells structure, contains the CellMembrane keeping the cell together and controlling what substances go in andout, Cytoplasm is the water-rich lattice inside a cell that contains andsurrounds the other cell substance. Nucleolus is a little district that is made upof RNA and protiens, it additionally creates ribosomes. Mitochondria consumes foodmolecules to discharge vitality. This vitality is utilized by cells to accomplish work. This workmay be assembling new particles which have a specific capacity in the body, orit might be to deliver development. Ribosomes are frequently appended along the length ofthe ER. These production proteins which go into the inward piece of the tubethey may have sugars of fats included and they overlay up into the shape they needto be to complete their capacity. Harsh and Smoth ER. is the sythesis ofproteins or transportation materials through the cell Rough ER is rought becauseribosomes are adhered to its surface which gies it an unpleasant apperance. New protiensare embedded into the rougth ER there they might be chenimcaly changed. theSmooth ER are sacks that look smooth and are not studded in which synthetic compounds andenzymes are put away. Goli Apparatus changes and gathers and distributesmolecules made toward one side of the cell and utilized in another. Lysosomes are sacks ofdestructive chemicals which are created by the cell to separate complexmolecules. Vacuoles are sack that store water,salts, proteins andcarbohydrates.Centriole is a structure that comains microtubule protein calledtubulin. cytoskeloten is a trap of filaments which give a kind of framework forthe cell, keepings its shape and supporting the organelles which are inside.Cell Wall help shield the cell based on what is outside of the cell and alsosupports the cell. I trusted you learned alot about the creature cell I enjoyedlearning about it and wish that I could of invested more energy in the venture and itis likewise stunning that we began life being no greater than a period on thisreport. Furthermore, that how significant cells are to our life.
Complex Computer Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Complex Computer Systems - Research Paper Example Most PC frameworks that are viewed as fruitful exhibit a positive direct impact on the apparent facilitates of utilization. In this way, some PC frameworks are never completely acknowledged by their proposed clients, and are underutilized (Hasan, 2007). Likewise, not very many IT frameworks have been sorted as genuinely effective. There are various factors and procedures that make IT anticipates complex (The British ComputerSociety, 2006). Understanding and appropriate administration of these activities is imperative to fathom why such undertakings come up short. It likewise assists with seeing how appropriate administration of unpredictability can expand accomplishment for PC frameworks. Innovation is a significant wellspring of unpredictability of PC frameworks, yet the key wellspring of multifaceted nature is the extent of the venture, as set by the board (The British Computer Society, 2006). Among the achievement or disappointment factors are social, monetary and specialized comp onents. These components impact whether the unpredictable PC framework venture succeeds or flops in its destinations. There must be specialized and social methodologies intended to recognize and oversee outer and interior impacts to guarantee achievement of any mind boggling PC framework. ... esign and creation of prepayment gas meters, acquainted with the United Kingdom vitality market to make work simpler for vitality providers and local customers (The British Computer Society, 2006). Focal assistance introduced on server database and application server. These have interfaces and level provider foundation The Smart Meter System has a few parts. To begin with, the Smart Meter’s Central System has a web interface and Oracle database (TheBritishComputerSociety, 2006). The web interface and Oracle database have been based on a Distributed Computing Infrastructure. Reconciliation of these segments with the focal framework takes into account online installment. The installment is recognized by the installment specialist. A Short Message (SMS) is prepared by the SMS supplier framework. Additionally, every Smart Meter System has an Apache web server, which is utilized to convey UIs. The Oracle 9i database part of the framework is was utilized to deliver the database, whi le the Tomcat servlet compartment is driven by Java and the STRUTS structure (TheBritishComputerSociety, 2006). This uses Java Server Pages and falling templates for introduction layer. The Prepayment Metering Infrastructure Provider application permits providers to collaborate with their meters progressively (The British Computer Society, 2006). The Smart Meter System is a perplexing PC framework since it permits household customers and residential vitality arrangement clients to make prepayments for their gas, utilizing their cell phones. The Smart Meter System is additionally mind boggling on the grounds that it is can be utilized by the two merchants and end client customers. In this manner, the framework acknowledges top ups regarding money related qualities by clients by means of their cell phones (The British Computer Society, 2006). Thusly, plans were set up to sell the Smart
Friday, August 21, 2020
Speech Recognition free essay sample
Discourse is the vocalized type of human Harvery Fletcher and Homer Dudley correspondence. It depends on the ?rmly settled the significance of the syntactic blend of lexicals and sign range for solid identi? cation names that are drawn from enormous of the phonetic idea of a discourse sound. (as a rule around 10,000 distinct words) Following the show set up by vocabularies. Each expressed word is these two remarkable researchers, most made out of the phonetic mix present day frameworks and calculations for of a constrained arrangement of vowel and consonant discourse acknowledgment depend on theâ speech sound units. These vocabularies, idea of estimation of the (time-the linguistic structure which structures them, and shifting) discourse power range (or its their arrangement of discourse sound units contrast, variations, for example, the cepstrum), to a limited extent making the presence of a large number because of the way that estimation of the of various sorts of commonly muddled force range from a sign is generally human dialects [1]. We will compose a custom exposition test on Discourse Recognition or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page simple to achieve with present day advanced The discourse is the quintessential type of sign handling procedures. Due the human correspondence, is the thing that has drive expanded on the preparing power at theâ the human race up until now, discussing it on CPU on the advanced PCs this undertaking innovation is additionally and significant subject become increasingly more consistently, to consider. On 1874, the analyses permitting to focused on the undertaking of conduced by Alexander Graham Bell deciphering the discourse and reacting to demonstrates that the recurrence music from activities from it than to anticipate for an electrical sign can be separated, this handling the discourse designs. was the establishment that later on prompts The Problem with Automatic Speech the digitalization of the discourse, entering. Acknowledgment (ARS) is recorded as a hard copy computerâ on the Speech Recognition period. programs that can grasp a sound 1 wave and repeated a similar spectrogram or a range analyzer, succession of words that an individual would however in vowels spoken with a high hear when tuning in to a similar sound, principal recurrence, as in a female or this implies de? ne an affiliation youngster voice, the recurrence of the between the acoustic highlights of sounds reverberation may lie between the generally and the words individuals see. spread sounds and thus no pinnacle is noticeable. Discourse Recognizers In 1952, Davis, Biddulph, and Balashek The ? st endeavors to plan frameworks forâ of Bell Laboratories assembled a framework for programmed discourse acknowledgment were separated digit acknowledgment for a solitary generally control by the hypothesis of acoustic-speaker, utilizing the formant frequencies phonetics. That is a sub? eld of phonetics estimated (or evaluated) during vowel which manages acoustic parts of areas of every digit [2], this framework work discourse sounds. Acoustic phonetics with the formant directions along the examines properties like the mean elements of the ? rst and the second squared adequacy of a waveform, its formant frequencies for every one of the ten term, its central recurrence, orâ digits, one-nine and 0, separately. different properties of its recurrence. These directions filled in as the range, and the relationship of these â€Å"reference pattern†for deciding the properties to different parts of phonetics, personality of an obscure digit articulation as and to extract etymological ideas like the best coordinating digit. telephones, expressions, or articulations [3]. In another early acknowledgment framework Fry Another significant term during the and Denes, at University College in procedure of discourse acknowledgment is the England, fabricated a phoneme recognizer to formant o formants that in speechâ recognize 4 vowels and 9 consonants. By science and phonetics, is utilized to mean fusing measurable data about an acoustic reverberation of the human reasonable phoneme arrangements in vocal tract. It is frequently estimated as an English, they expanded the general abundancy top in the recurrence phoneme acknowledgment exactness for words range of the sound, utilizing a comprising of at least two phonemes, this through the providing of the framework with 2 past sections or by essentially preparing programming, in various variation shapes the framework to know the vowels and the as the Viterbi calculation, this one is aâ consonants by redundancy as we do now unique programming calculation for with the neural systems. This work ?nding the most probable grouping of denoted the ? rst utilization of measurable sentence structure shrouded states †called the Viterbi way †(at the phoneme level) in programmed that outcomes in a grouping of watched discourse acknowledgment [2]. occasions, particularly with regards to An option in contrast to the utilization of a discourse Markov data sources and covered up segmenter was the idea of embracing a Markov models, has become a non-uniform time scale for adjusting essential procedure in programmed discourse designs. This idea began to discourse acknowledgment. In discourse to-content addition acknowledgment in the 1960’s through (discourse acknowledgment), the acoustic sign the work Speech Recognition by Feature is treated as the watched arrangement of Abstraction Techniques by Tom Martin at occasions, and a string of content is considered RCA Laboratories in witch he perceived to be the concealed reason for the acoustic the need to manage the worldly non-signal. The Viterbi calculation  the consistency in rehashed discourse occasions and doubtlessly string of content given the recommended a scope of arrangements, including acoustic sign [4].â detection of articulation endpoints, which 4. Concealed Markov Model incredibly upgraded the unwavering quality of The across the board ubiquity of the HMM recognizer execution and Speech system can be credited to its basic Discrimination by Dynamic Programming algorithmic structure, which is straight-by Vintsyuk in the Soviet Union, proposed forward to actualize, and to its away from utilization of dynamic programming for time execution predominance over elective arrangement between two articulations in acknowledgment structures. As a component of this a request to determine an important evaluation discourse acknowledgment task is oftenâ of their comparability. Others proposed taxonomized as per its various techniques like unique time necessities in taking care of speci? c or twisting, in discourse design coordinating nonspeci? c talkers (speaker-subordinate Since the late 1970’s, for the most part because of the versus speaker-free) and in distribution by Sakoe and Chiba, dynamic 3 tolerating just disengaged articulations or different acoustic highlights at a solitary ?uent discourse (secluded word versus point in time in a way that has not associated word). Frameworks dependent on recently been misused in discrete-HMM have been shown to be ableâ observation Hidden Markov Models. to accomplish 96% word exactness. These 6. End results some of the time rival human The DBN and HMM are the greatest ways execution and accordingly, obviously, af? rm of working with Automatic Speech the potential value of a programmed Recognition, those are the antecedents of discourse acknowledgment framework in assigned the neural systems that now a days are applications[7]. attempting to do the switch of the old We additionally need to take in thought frameworks that still entirely exact. at the point when we are discussing Hidden Markov Model, that this one will be, one of theâ most basic Dynamic Bayesian Networks, so utilizing a progressively unpredictable DBN we can accomplish better outcome, in light of the fact that the multifaceted nature found on those systems. Dynamic Bayesian Networks Over the most recent twenty years, probabilistic developed as the technique for decision for enormous scope discourse acknowledgment errands in two predominant structures: shrouded Markov models (Rabiner b: Juang 1993), and neural systems with unequivocally probabilistic translations (Bourlard Morgan 1994; Robinson Fallside 1991) [6]. This change is for the most part due the way that Dynamic Bayesian Networks can demonstrate the relationships among
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Critically Evaluate The Methodological Issues And Empirical Findings
Critically Evaluate The Methodological Issues And Empirical Findings Critically Evaluate The Methodological Issues And Empirical Findings Of The Following Paper: An â€" Coursework Example > Critically evaluate the methodological issues and empirical findings of the following paper: An examination of the long run performance of UK acquiring firms Whenever, there is an acquisition there are bound to be changes and repercussions on this action. The following article examines the impact of the gains to shareholders of firms that announce acquisitions of public firms, private firms, or subsidiaries of other firms. Acquisitions are substantial investments made by a firm. When a firm announces an acquisition, the wealth of acquiring-firm shareholders substantially increases, but however, the average dollar change in the wealth of the acquiring-firm’s shareholders when such acquisition announcements are made is negative when the firm doing the acquiring is a large firm. It’s been noted that the acquisitions made by small firms are profitable for their shareholders. Small firms make small acquisitions and this gives them small dollar gains. A large firm will make a large acquisition and this will result in large dollar losses. So, such acquisitions result in losses for shareholders it is because the losses incurred by a large firm are much higher than the gains realized by a small firm during acquisition. A sample study of some firms in the U. K and the profitability for small firms which do acquisitions is shown the Table1.The above table summarizes take-overs in the U. K , by firms which were considered during a sample study. It shows a majority of acquirers are concentrated in the top two deciles according to market capitalization. A total of 157 out of the 398 acquirers for market capitalization are available in the top decile. This table shows that the firms which are acquiring are smaller companies and such acquisitions are seen to be profitable for them. There are a number of explanations given as to why the size-effect occurs, meaning, why acquisitions made by small firms are profitable for their shareholders as compared to acquisitions ma de by large firms. Following are some explanations given for this size effect: The managers of large firms have an oversight and so pay more for their acquisitions and this results in losses during acquisitions. Large firms which suffer from poor returns pay out for acquisitions, with their equity and this results in loss for shareholders. Large firms make acquisitions when they do not have any more internal opportunities for growth and this results in losses when the firm makes an acquisition. Large firms which are interested in empire building would rather make acquisitions, than increase their payouts to shareholders. There is a price pressure effect on the stock price of the bidder, when a firm’s acquisitions are paid for from its equity, due to the activities of arbitrageurs. The incentives of managers in small firms are better aligned with their shareholders than is the case in large firms and that’s why their acquisitions are more profitable, when compared to that of lar ge firms, which are not interested in increasing payouts to their shareholders. Evidence of the size-effect is shown in acquisitions made by firms in the U. S. and the U. K.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Platos myth of the cave Essay - 825 Words
Plato's myth of the cave (Essay Sample) Content: NameTutorCourseDatePlatoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Myth of the CaveAlso referred to as the "Allegory of the Caveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , Platoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s "Myth of the Cave" is a representation of a unique metaphor that indicates the different ways people perceive the world they are living in. the metaphor illustrates how people think and what they believe is reality. The thesis of the myth is that we do not see the reality, but a reflection of the real forms. However, we tend to believe in what we see because we are not exposed to the reality. The myth has two basic elements that the audience needs to consider revisiting to understand. The first element is the metaphor of prisoners, and the second element is the philosophical representation of "ourselves" in the story through allegory.Plato talks about chains in the myth that have held the prisoners immovable within the grave. The chains have fixed them in one place that they can only see shadows of the real objects that pass in front of the fire behind them. However, the prisoners cannot turn back and see the real objects behind them (Watt 5). They are therefore forced to believe that they are seeing the reality. The chains in the myth represent the obstacles that prevent people from seeing the reality. The chains are handcuffs that render people immovable and hence they cannot face the real world beyond their horizons. The chains in this myth represent the government during Platoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s time. The government did not give people the chance to reflect on their own knowledge and awareness. The government did not allow people to make their own decisions and judgments for self-governance. The people being governed were just required to adhere to the rules and manipulations by the government without asking any question. It is evident that the government was keen to prevent the masses from accessing knowledge of the reality that would make them conscious and attain self-governance.In the myth, Plato says that "the pr isoners are like ourselves" and "the prison is the world we see with our eyes." The prisoners are like ourselves because what we perceive to be reality from birth is actually not the reality. We come across reality after we gain consciousness and understanding the real forms in the world around us. We are prisoners because the government does not allow us to believe in ourselves and do what we think is right. All we can do is to sit back, relax, and adhere to the imperfect forms that we are forced to live with. We never struggle to find the reality in the world that we see with our eyes. Some of us are restricted to the imperfect forms that we cannot even differentiate between perfect and the imperfect forms. It is unfortunate that we are not even willing to face the reality after being unchained. This is indicated in the myth by the prisonerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s unwillingness to believe in the reality. Even after being taken out of the cave, the prisoner still believes that the shadows he w as seeing in the cave are the reality. He is exposed to light but he feels uncomfortable because he was used to the darkness in the cave. He thinks that the light is painful and that he cannot live with it. The light is the reality that we need to face but some of us are not ready to do it. We think that reality is painful and hence we should stick to the past where reality does not exist. However, we need to concentrate on the reality and come out of the chains like the prisoner in the cave. We should stand up strongly and seek self-governance, awareness, and purpose in life. We should therefore speak for ourselves and pursue what is good for us.There are biases that originated from our biological, social, and cultural conditions that related to the metaphors in the Myth of the Cave. Personally,...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Empress Dowager Cixi - Chinese History
Few people in history have been as thoroughly vilified as the Empress Dowager Cixi (sometimes spelled Tzu Hsi), one of the last empresses of Chinas Qing Dynasty. Depicted in writings by English contemporaries in the foreign service as cunning, treacherous and sex-crazed, Cixi was painted as a caricature of a woman, and a symbol of Europeans beliefs about the Orient in general. She is not the only female ruler to suffer this indignity. Scurrilous rumors abound about women from Cleopatra to Catherine the Great. Still, Cixi received some of the worst press in history. After a century of defamation, her life and reputation finally are being re-examined. Cixis Early Life The Empress Dowagers early life is shrouded in mystery. We do know that she was born November 29, 1835, to a noble Manchu family in China, but even her birth-name is not recorded. Her fathers name was Kuei Hsiang of the Yehenara clan; her mothers name is not known. A number of other stories - that the girl was a beggar who sang in the streets for money, that her father was addicted to opium and gambling, and that the child was sold to the emperor as a sex-slave - seem to be pure European embroidery. In truth, Qing imperial policy forbade the publication of personal details, so foreign observers simply made up stories to fill in the gaps. Cixi the Concubine In 1849, when the girl was fourteen, she was one of 60 nominees for the position of an imperial concubine. She was probably eager to be chosen, since she once said, I have had a very hard life ever since I was a young girl. I was not a bit happy when with my parents... My sisters had everything they wanted, while I was, to a great extent, ignored altogether. (Seagrave, 25) Fortunately, after a two-year preparation period, the then-Empress Dowager selected her as an imperial concubine from among the large pool of Manchu and Mongol girls. Qing emperors were forbidden from taking Han Chinese wives or concubines. She would serve Emperor Xianfeng as a fourth-rank concubine. Her name was recorded simply as Lady Yehenara after her fathers clan. A Birth and a Death Xianfeng had one empress (Niuhuru), two consorts, and eleven concubines. This was a small assortment, relative to earlier emperors; as the budget was tight. His favorite was a consort, who bore him a daughter, but while she was pregnant, he spent time with Cixi. Cixi also soon became pregnant and gave birth to a boy on April 27, 1856. Little Zaichun was Xianfengs only son, so his birth greatly improved his mothers standing in court. During the Second Opium War (1856-1860), Western troops looted and burned the lovely Summer Palace. On top of existing health problems, this shock is said to have killed the 30-year-old Xianfeng. Co-Empresses Dowager On his death-bed, Xianfeng made contradictory statements about the succession, which was not guaranteed to Zaichun. He did not formally name an heir before he died on August 22, 1861. Still, Cixi made sure that her 5-year-old son became the Tongzhi Emperor. A regency council of four ministers and four nobles assisted the child emperor, while the Empress Niuhuru and Cixi were named co-Empresses Dowager. The Empresses each controlled a royal seal, meant to be a mere formality, but which could be used as a form of veto. When the ladies opposed a decree they refused to stamp it, converting the protocol into real power. The Xinyou Palace Coup One of the ministers on the regency council, Su Shun, was intent on becoming the sole power behind the throne or perhaps even wresting the crown away from the child emperor. Though Emperor Xianfeng had named both Empresses Dowager as regents, Su Shun tried to cut out Cixi and take her imperial seal. Cixi publicly denounced Su Shun and allied herself with Empress Niuhuru and three imperial princes against him. Su Shun, who controlled the treasury, cut off food and other household items for the Empresses, but they would not give in. When the royal household returned to Beijing for the funeral, Su Shun was arrested and charged with subversion. Despite his high post, he was beheaded in the public vegetable market. Two princely co-conspirators were allowed to die by suicide. Two Young Emperors The new regents faced a difficult period in Chinas history. The country struggled to pay indemnities for the Second Opium War, and the Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864) was in full swing in the south. Breaking with Manchu tradition, the Empresses Dowager appointed competent Han Chinese generals and officials to high office in order to deal with these problems. In 1872, the 17-year-old Tongzhi Emperor married Lady Alute. The following year he was made emperor regnant, although some historians charge that he was functionally illiterate and often neglecting matters of state. On January 13, 1875, he died of smallpox at just 18. The Tongzhi Emperor did not leave an heir, so the Empresses Dowager had to select an appropriate replacement. By Manchu custom, the new emperor should have been from the next generation after Tongzhi, but no such boy existed. They settled instead on Cixis sisters 4-year-old son, Zaitian, who became the Guangxu Emperor. At this time, Cixi was often bed-ridden with a liver ailment. In April of 1881, Empress Dowager Niuhuru suddenly died at the age of 44, possibly of a stroke. Naturally, rumors quickly spread through the foreign legations that Cixi had poisoned her, although Cixi was herself probably too ill to have had any part in a plot. She would not recover her own health until 1883. Guangxu Emperors Reign In 1887, the timid Emperor Guaungxu came of age at 16, but the court postponed his accession ceremony. Two years later, he married Cixis niece Jingfen (although he reportedly did not find her long face very attractive). At that time, a fire broke out in the Forbidden City, which caused some observers to worry that the Emperor and Cixi had lost the Mandate of Heaven. When he took power in his own name at 19, Guangxu wanted to modernize the army and bureaucracy, but Cixi was wary of his reforms. She moved to the new Summer Palace to be out of his way, nonetheless. In 1898, Guangxus reformers in court were tricked into agreeing to cede sovereignty to Ito Hirobumi, Japans former Prime Minister. Just as the Emperor was about to formalize the move, troops controlled by Cixi stopped the ceremony. Guangxu was disgraced and retired to an island in the Forbidden City. The Boxer Rebellion In 1900, Chinese discontent with foreign demands and aggression erupted into the anti-foreign Boxer Rebellion, also called the Righteous Harmony Society Movement. Initially, the Boxers included the Manchu Qing rulers among the foreigners they opposed, but in June 1900, Cixi threw her support behind them, and they became allies. The Boxers executed Christian missionaries and converts all over the country, tore down churches, and laid siege to the foreign trade legations in Peking for 55 days. Inside the Legation Quarter, men, women and children from the UK, Germany, Italy, Austria, France, Russia and Japan were huddled, along with Chinese Christian refugees. In the fall of 1900, the Eight-Nation Alliance (the European powers plus the US and Japan) sent an expeditionary force of 20,000 to raise the siege on the Legations. The force went up-river and captured Beijing. The final death toll from the rebellion is estimated at almost 19,000 civilians, 2,500 foreign troops and about 20,000 Boxers and Qing troops. Flight from Peking With the foreign forces approaching Peking, on August 15, 1900, Cixi dressed in peasant garb and fled from the Forbidden City in an ox cart, along with Emperor Guangxu and their retainers. The Imperial Party made its way far to the west, to the ancient capital of Xian (formerly Changan). The Empress Dowager called their flight a tour of inspection, and in fact, she did become more aware of the conditions for ordinary Chinese people during their travels. After some time, the Allied Powers sent a conciliatory message to Cixi in Xian, offering to make peace. The Allies would allow Cixi to continue her rule, and would not demand any land from the Qing. Cixi agreed to their terms, and she and the Emperor returned to Peking in January of 1902. The End of Cixis Life After her return to the Forbidden City, Cixi set out to learn all she could from the foreigners. She invited Legation wives to tea and instituted reforms modeled on those in Meiji Japan. She also distributed prize Pekingese dogs (previously kept only in the Forbidden City) to her European and American guests. On November 14, 1908, the Guangxu Emperor died of acute arsenic poisoning. Although she was quite ill herself, Cixi installed the late Emperors nephew, the 2-year-old Puyi, as the new Xuantong Emperor. Cixi died the following day. The Empress Dowager in History For decades, the Empress Dowager Cixi was described as a devious and depraved tyrant, based largely on the writings of people who did not even know her, including J.O.P. Bland and Edmund Backhouse. However, contemporary accounts by Der Ling and Katherine Carl, as well as later scholarship by Hugh Trevor-Roper and Sterling Seagrave, paint a very different picture. Rather than a power-mad harridan with a harem of faux eunuchs, or a woman who poisoned most of her own family, Cixi comes across as an intelligent survivor who learned to navigate Qing politics and rode the wave of very troubled times for 50 years. Sources: Seagrave, Sterling. Dragon Lady: The Life and Legend of the Last Empress of China, New York: Knopf, 1992. Trevor-Roper, Hugh. Hermit of Peking: The Hidden Life of Sir Edmund Backhouse, New York: Knopf, 1977. Warner, Marina. The Dragon Empress: The Life and Times of Tzu-Hsi, Empress Dowager of China 1835-1908, New York: Macmillan, 1972.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Experiment And Observation Conducted By Shelly Harryman
Preschool Observation This paper is a report of experiment and observation conducted by this writer Shelly Harryman. The date and time of observation was November 9, 2017, between the hours of 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm. The subject s name is in the experiment are Deegan Harryman, who is a 6-year-old and Jay Harris, who is is a 10-year-old. The following information will provide a detailed analysis of the what cognitive developmental stage each child is in and why those levels determine the response each child gives. The information in this paper will reflect my personal observation and refer to the text Development Through the Lifespan by Laura Berk 2014. Location For the purpose of these experiments, my main living room was the location†¦show more content†¦Deegan confirmed both glasses had the same amount of water. I then poured water from one glass into the tall skinny glass and moved it next to the other glass I had not touched. When asking Deegan which one had more, he pointed to the tall skinny glass. He explained that the tall skinny glass had water â€Å"up to hear†. After that, I poured the water from the tall skinny glass back into its original container and repeated my question of which had more. Deegan responded they both had the same. This same process was repeated for Jay. However, Jay responded that there was no change to the amount of liquid and that only the containers were different. Area Conservation Task To examine the area of conservation, I used two identical balls of clay. Deegan confirmed that the balls were identical. I then rolled one out into a hotdog shape and asked â€Å"does this clay have more (pointing to the clay ball), does this clay have more (pointing to the hotdog shape), or do they have the same amount? Deegan stated that the hotdog shaped clay had more because it was longer. I then rolled the hotdog shape clay back into a ball and repeated the questioning of which one had more. Deegan stated they had the same again. I did the same experiment with Jay, but his responses were different than that of Deegan’s. Jay stated that the clay was equal despite one being rolled out into a hotdog shape. Jay stated that I â€Å"only changed the shape†. Number Conservation Task
Monday, May 11, 2020
Alcoholics Anonymous Field Visit Report Essay - 2158 Words
Alcoholics Anonymous Field Visit Report Alcoholics Anonymous is a self-help organization made up of men and women, young and old, who come together to share their experiences with alcohol, and to express their hope and strength with one another so that they can overcome the illness of alcoholism and then help others to recover. A.A. was first started by two men in 1935. One man from New York, Bill W., who was a stockbroker and another man from Ohio, Dr. Bob who was a surgeon. At one point Bill had wondered how one of his friends had achieved his abstinence, and his friend told him that he achieved it through religion. His friend explained that it was based on the principles laid down in a movement known as the Oxford Movement.†¦show more content†¦This idea of alcoholics helping each other spread slowly throughout until 1939. At this point, a group of a hundred sober members wrote and published the book Alcoholics Anonymous, which they refer to now as the â€Å"Big Book.†In 1941, A.A. become widely k nown because of an article printed in a national magazine that was widely read, The Saturday Evening Post. (Kinney Leaton, page 268). In A.A. there are no dues or fees, the only requirement is a desire to stop drinking. â€Å"One of the basic tenets of this group is that the alcoholic is biologically different from the nonalcoholic person and therefore can never safely drink any alcohol at all.†(Ray Ksir, page 253). Alcoholics Anonymous includes a creed which is made up of twelve steps and twelve traditions. The Twelve steps are briefly: 1) admitting that one is powerless over alcohol, 2) to believe in a power greater than themselves, 3) a decision to turn their will and life over to God â€Å"as they understand him,†4) making a moral inventory of themselves, 5) admitting the exact nature of their wrongs, 6) ready to have God remove all defects of character, 7) humility, 8) making amends to those they have harmed, 9) making amends to those wherever it is possible, 10) admitting to taking personal inventory when wrong, 11) praying for a better contact with God, and 12) spreading the message of what has been learned to others with the problem. (Hayman, page 171). These steps must beShow MoreRelatedUnderage Drinking And The Long Term Effect1557 Words  | 7 PagesCaffeinated Alcoholic Beverages Among Underage Drinkers: Results of a National Survey†they examine the relationship between the tendencies underage drinkers who drink non-traditional caffeinated alcoholic beverages and traditionally caffeinated alcoholic beverages. The study defines non-traditional CABs as Pre-Mixed Sodas or Energy Drinks with Liquor added and defined traditional CABs as Liquor with soda, coffee, or tea added by the beverage consumer. Previous research in this field has led to theRead More Substance Abuse on Campus Essay2226 Words  | 9 Pagesphysical development of traditional-age undergraduate college students. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Viola and Beatrice in Twelfth Night and Much Ado About...
Viola and Beatrice both take on mens roles, Viola that of a manservant and Beatrice that of the perpetual bachelor and the clown: I was born to speak all mirth and no matter, she says to Don Pedro [II.i.343-4]. They appear to be actors and manipulators, much more so than their female predecessors, who are mostly reactive and manipulated, such as Hermia, Helena, Titania, and Gertrude. None of these women seemed in charge of her own destiny, but tricked by the schemes of men and later scorned or humiliated as a result of male machinations. Viola and Beatrice, although they both seem fiercely independent and comfortable in a mans world, reveal themselves to have only the trappings of manhood, and not its full capacity for action.†¦show more content†¦Viola is disconcerted at being confused with Sebastian in Twelfth Nights final acts, but this confusion is not one plotted by men. She and Beatrice remain two of Shakespeares few undeceived women. Beatrice lives the jocular life of a bachelor man, but will not take on the mans office of killing Claudio. In the same way, Viola wishes to retain the freedom and anonymity that life as a man grants her, but balks when it comes to drawing swords. Both attempt rely on the subtler feminine tools at their disposal instead of steel, but in doing so confine themselves to the frailer role of woman. Beatrice maneuvers Benedick into promising to right Hero, and Viola attempts to talk her way out of a swordfight. Viola complains of womens frailty [II.ii.32-3] with respect to Olivia, but her own weakness also prevents her from taking direct action to undo the love triangle in which she has become a corner. She concludes the scene with, O time! thou must untangle this, not I; It is too hard a knot for me to untie! [41-2] Beatrice and Viola both have a hard time untying the knots they have made, although they are not the victims of manipulation in the same manner that Shakespeares other women have heretofore been. Viola does not wait for anyone to rescue her at the shipyard, but hatches her own scheme to go underground into the service of the Duke -- however, she does not plan through to the end. It is onlyShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Much Ado About Nothing 1240 Words  | 5 PagesTheater was built, he moved there and was a shareholder. During these times he wrote several plays for the theater. Some of these include Much Ado about Nothing, Twelfth Night, Love’s Labour’ s Lost, and A Midsummer s Night’s Dream. In the year 1600, Shakespeare wrote the play Much Ado about Nothing. Later the following year, in 1601, Shakespeare wrote a Twelfth Night. 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Why do we age Free Essays
Why do we age? I recently took part in 5 experiments undergoing everyday activities to see how it feels to be; ; Blind Bone density problems Hearing difficulties To have limited fine motor skills Memory loss First activity I took part In expected us to try clothes on (that required buttons) to be able to fasten the buttons wearing thick mittens and gloves. The mittens and the gloves resembled the elderly and the Limited fine motor skills (finger movements required to fasten the buttons). This task got me very frustrated as It was very difficult to fasten the buttons because as you get older your receptors become less insensitive this is linked to the fact that the brain and nervous system goes through natural changes, your brain and spinal cord lose nerve cells and weight therefore nerve cells begin to pass messages more slowly, a breakdown of nerves can affect your senses. We will write a custom essay sample on Why do we age or any similar topic only for you Order Now You might have reduced or lost reflexes or sensation. This leads to problems with movement and safety. This can affect people’s self-confidence as they may not understand their own weaknesses making it hard for them to trust themselves to do anything. The mittens and thick gloves resembled this as it was almost as if my fingers were numb and I found it hard to control them in a way I wanted to causing me feel empathy towards the elderly who do suffer with these everyday tasks. The second activity I took part in was listening to a video clip with the volume turned down, this resembled the elderly with hearing difficulties as I really had to strain to hear the smallest sound. It usually is the higher pitched sounds that seem to be harder to hear as we get older and also it is more difficult for the elderly to hear voice and conversations whilst there is background noise, I could hear the lower pitched oases such as the laughter in the background but not the detailed Information In the conversations. As you age, structures Inside the ear start to change and their functions decline. Your ability to pick up sounds decreases. You may also have problems maintaining your balance as you sit, stand, and walk. This could affect a person’s self-confidence and self-Image as they may feel embarrassed If they lose balance or have to ask again for someone to repeat themselves when really It Is Just a natural occurrence that happens to us all. Linked to the sensory system controlling your senses such as hearing, sense of smell, taste and sight. The third activity I took part in required me to read a prescription and separate some elderly face, when you get older your eyesight not only adjusts more slowly to change in distances and light changes from daylight to night vision but if the prescription is hand written it could be more difficult for the elderly to read and understand also the font or printing of the prescription could have the same effect. If the elderly person is not only having eyesight difficulties but also could be prone to diseases such as Parkinson for example and might not be physically able to separate the pills onto the specific days this could be a problem as it could have a potential life risk, if they need to take pills every day and they could not be able to do so. All of the eye structures change with aging. The cornea becomes less sensitive, so injuries may not be noticed. By the time you turn 60, your pupils decrease to about one third of the size they were when you were 20. The lens becomes yellowed, less flexible, and slightly cloudy. The fat pads supporting the eyes decrease in amount and the eyes sink into their sockets. The eye muscles become less able to fully rotate the eye. The fourth activity I took part in was making Christmas cards with our eyes restricted by wearing glasses with numerous of different blockages for our eyesight, so we was completely or partially blind, we had to write the card, decorate the card and put it in the envelope. This task was particularly difficult and frustrating as it was physically impossible to do the task without messing up, as you don’t know if you have already included the information or how neat it was. As we age the most common in sight difficulties is trouble focusing on something close, such as reading, writing and itching television this is called presbyters, it also gets harder to tell the colors apart but for our activity this was relevant as we tried different glasses on which reduced our eyesight to different limits. This could affect someone self-esteem as they may feel they are getting worse as they age and not feeling good enough as they once did in their younger days. The last activity I took part in was attaching heavy weights onto my arms and doing daily tasks such as brushing our teeth and brushing our hair for 2-5 minutes, we felt the strain and this resembles an elderly person who may suffer with bone density robbers most common in women after menopause, this may leave you feeling weak as when we age our muscle mass naturally decreases as our bones lose calcium, linked to the musculoskeletal system. The decrease of muscles for an elderly person could create a serious risk for daily activities as if they fall they wouldn’t be able to brace themselves properly and ease the fall as their muscles may not be strong enough to hold themselves. This could affect someone’s self-esteem as they may change their own opinion of themselves may see themselves as Weak’ when really the decrease of muscles begins Just after 30 years of age. How to cite Why do we age, Papers
Dengue Virus Serotypes in Asymptomatic Donors - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theDengue Virus Serotypes in Asymptomatic Blood Donors. Answer: Background According to the reports of World Health organization (2017), dengue has become one of the severe diseases in recent decades and most of the Asian and Latin American countries are suffering from its severity. This is a viral infection originated through mosquitoes and the virus is carried by mainly Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (World Health Organization, 2017). Recently the American Association of Blood Banks and Center of Disease control and Prevention has recommended to screen for the DENV serotypes while blood transfusion, as the rate of diffusion of dengue virus through blood donations has been reported in several studies (Walsh, 2016) Methods DENV serotype screening has been suggested by the American Association of Blood Bank and Center for Disease Control and Prevention as two Brazilian cities Recife and Rio de Janeiro reported transfusion of RNA positive blood units to 35 recipients, within which 6 developed the disease, however the KSA health authority still do not recommend such screening in western epidemic region of KSA (Levy, 2016). There are two methods to identify DENV serotypes in blood samples, by seizing the non-structural viral protein as well as by conducting RT-PCR. The researcher used an IVD TaqMan multiplex assay to screen the DENV RNA and connected that with the DENV IgG and IgM. In this cross sectional study, the western epidemic province was selected for the study and after obtaining ethical sanction from the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences Ethics Committee and consent from the 910 participants ranging from 25 to 55 years, blood samples were collected from the blood bank of Hira general hospital an d the regional laboratory of holy Makkah between march 2015 to august 2016 (Ashshi, 2017). These participants were declared eligible as per the regulations of KSA ministry of health and after centrifugation of 10 ml sample, 500 aliquot samples were stored in -80 degree Celsius for further PCR and ELISA tests. For the ELISA detection, the researcher used certified kits for the detection of Igg and IgM against the DENV serotype in the blood sample of the participants. Depending on the ratio of IgG and IgM found in the blood, the donors were denoted primary source or secondary source of infection. Further for the detection of DENV serotype, Fast Track Diagnosis Dengue differentiation kit was used for the TaqMan RT-PCR process and the participants were divided in 6 categories according to the DENV serological results (Ashshi, 2017). The results were statistically analysed using SPSS (V 16) and the complete rate of noticing anti-dengue antibodies was 5.5% for IgM and 39% for IgG. Further as per the ratio of IgG and IgM, the overall rate of prevalence was found to 2.3% for secondary infection and 3.2% for primary infection. While the multiplex PCR assay was able to identify the serotype 2 in maximum of the 910 participants and DENV-4 serotype was found in more than 38 percent of the participant s. Therefore, the study was successful to identify serotype 4 in the epidemic region of KSA, and showed that the prevalence of serotype 4 was almost similar to the serotype 2 (Ashshi, 2017). The research was successfully able to demonstrate that blood transfusion is one of the prime way of transmission of dengue as 5.5% prevalence of dengue was detected through PCR. This study however, was proven to be progressive as it was able to detect serotype 4 in the western KSA region. Further, it should also be noted from the research that serotype 4 was identified in the participants, who were positive to IgM antibodies in the ELISA test (Ashshi, 2017). Results While discussing the results, it should be mentioned that according to the reports of WHO, last few decades witnessed the immigration of 10 million of migrant independent workers especially from Pakistan and India, where the DENV-4 is widespread (UN DESA, 2017). Further, due to the increase in tourism sector, visitors from countries where DENV serotype 1 and 3 is prevalent has visited KSA, increasing the occurrence of those serotypes in the region. Therefore, the two main findings from this research was finding all four serotype in the eligible donors determines the endemic nature of dengue and further 56% of secondary donors within the participants determined that transfusion of dengue through the blood of eligible donors is a major concern and the KSA healthcare authorities should focus on the issue particularly in the endemic region of the country (Ashshi, 2017). (Fig. 1 determines the prevalence of IgM and IgG among all the 4 serotypes of DENV, Ashshi, 2017) Discussion However, in spite of the success regarding establishment of DENV-4 serotype in the blood transfusion of KSA, several shortcomings were inherited within the research analysis. According to Meyers, Gamst Guarino (2016), to establish any research finding, it is important for the group of researcher to conduct confirmatory tests regarding the process. The research of Ashshi (2017), was able to find the serotype 4 in the blood serum of eligible donors however, for the confirmation of the statement, they did not carried out other diagnostic techniques such as NSI or viral isolation. Further, the major limitation of the study was inability to identify the viral load in the blood, which would help to recognize that those blood samples were able to develop dengue with serotype 4 or not (Furtado et al., 2012). Therefore, the selection of PCR kit for the detection of serotype 4 was a limitation for the study. Similarly, the usage of ELISA for the qualitative detection of IgM and IgG using the Panbio,Brisbane, QLD, Australia Kit was one of the major limitations. The primary reason behind it was the presence of heterophilic antibodies in the provided antibody of the kit that interferes with the immunoassay. According to Panbio (2018), these are antibodies raised in animal samples that lead to cross react with reagent antibodies added in the ELISA assay, and creates a false positive result. Further the serological cross reactivity is a common phenomenon that misleads the research by detecting the presence of DENV antigens within the assay. Therefore, accurate results are not produced. On the other hand, through this research, the researchers determined that current measures regarding the inhibition of dengue is not appropriate and a selected section of KSA should be monitored to control the blood transfusion of the disease. However, according to Schlenke (2016), the modern technique and pathogen inactivation technologies that has been implemented currently in the process, h elps to limit the blood transfusion of diseases and has sifted the paradigm towards the manufacturing of safe and disease free blood. Hence, the KSA government should enhance its pathogen inactivation technologies instead of wasting its resources for continuous monitoring of blood donation events (Schlenke, 2016). Therefore, while critically analyzing the research article, it should be mentioned that more such researches should be conducted in the KSA endemic region to understand the rate of disease occurrence and the frequency of infection using more than one research method so that the result can be established for further disease management process (Meyers, Gamst Guarino, 2016). Conclusion This research was targeted to identify dengue serotypes in the blood donated by the eligible donors of endemic region of KSA for dengue. As the disease was asymptomatic and no previous research present to identify DENV 4 in KSA, this research was of huge importance for the healthcare sector of KSA. Due to increased amount of travelers, and the home of more than 10 million independent workers from India and Pakistan where the serotype 4 is prevalent, KSA eventually become endemic to dengue. Further, by identifying the serotype 4 in the blood samples of donors, the research established the fact that current measures regarding inhibition of dengue is not sufficient and screening of blood donations should be screened in the prevalent region of KSA to prevent the transfusion of dengue in the province. References Al-Johar, A. W., Al-Saud, A., Abalkhail, Y., Jawdat, T., Al-Khamees, S., Faisal, A. T., Abdel-Gader, A. G. (2016). Why do-Saudi Women Refrain Donating Their Blood?--a Study on the Attitude, Belief and Motivation of Saudi Female University Students Towards Blood Donation.Clinical laboratory,62(5), 771-779. Ashshi, A. M. (2017). The prevalence of dengue virus serotypes in asymptomatic blood donors reveals the emergence of serotype 4 in Saudi Arabia.Virology journal,14(1), 107. 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Friday, May 1, 2020
Compare and Contrast Venn Diagram free essay sample
Squanto and Powhatan Compare and contrast Venn diagram Squanto Powhatan Similarities Went to England. Was fluent in English. Was a friend of the pilgrims. The only survivor of his tribe. Chief of his tribe. Ruled with an iron grip. Attacked the settlers. Both Indians. Acknowledged that the English were superior. Both helped the settlers. 2. Compare and contrast two different Native American Tribes. | Tribe #1: Wampanoag| Tribe #2: Cherokee| Government  |  The Wampanoag were organized as a confederacy with lesser sachems and sagamores under the authority of a Grand Sachem. During the early 1800s, the Cherokee adopted their government to a written constitution. They established their own courts and schools, and achieved a standard of living that was the envy of their white neighbors. The Wampanoag were a horticultural people who supplemented their agriculture with hunting and fishing. |  The Cherokee were horticulturalists, raising cereal and vegetable crops on a swidden basis and supplementing their subsistence through hunting, fishing, and collecting. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Venn Diagram or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Religion  |  The Wampanoags religion was called Spiritualism. They thanked Mother Earth, animals, plants, birds, fish, and all living things for the gifts they gave to the Wampanoag. The Cherokees had a strong belief that there were certain beings who came down from the skies formed the world, the moon and the stars. It was believed that the world was created at the time of the new moon of autumn, when the fruits of the earth were ripe. Culture  |  The Wampanoag subsisted, as did other tribes of the Eastern Woodlands, on the Three Sisters (maize, beans, and squash) along with the fruits of hunting, fishing and gathering. Unlike tribes of the Iroquois, the Wampanoag lived in wetus instead of longhouses. |  The Cherokee were a settled, agricultural people living in approximately 200 fairly, large villages. The typical Cherokee town consisted of 30 to 60 houses and a large council house. Homes were usually wattle and daub, a circular framework interwoven with branches (like an upside-down basket) and plastered with mud
Saturday, March 21, 2020
WInning or longitivity Essay Example
WInning or longitivity Essay Example WInning or longitivity Essay WInning or longitivity Essay Winning and Longevity A professional baseball team set Its sights on winning the World Series. The team owner wanted to win big and win fast. Consequently, the team sank all of Its resources into trading for the best players in the league. It was able to obtain enough of them that within two seasons the team was the World Series champion. However, the team had committed such a high percentage of its financial resources to players salaries that other important elements of the team began to suffer. Its stadium quickly fell Into such a state of disrepair that fans began to stay home. Training faculties also began to suffer, which caused discontent among the players. The money left over to pay the salaries of coaches wasnt enough to hold onto the good ones, most of whom accepted better offers from other teams. In short, by focusing so intently on the desired end result, this organization neglected other important aspects of building a competitive team. As a result, the teams World Series championship was a short-lived-once-in-a-lifetime victory. The very next season the teams crumbling infrastructure sent it tumbling to the bottom of Its division. Without he people, processes, and environment to turn the situation around, the team was eventually sold at a loss and moved to another city. Discussion Questions Why would a company that is turning out a satisfactory product want to continually examine its processes and the work environment? What happened to the old adage If its not broke, dont fix it? The old adage if its not broke, dont fix it is not applicable for the current competitive world. Even though the company is producing a satisfactory and the best product in the market It Is high-risk for the company to go on with the same product. It Is very important for the company to continuously innovate the current product to exceed the customer expectations and maintain gap between themselves and the rest of the competitors. Here we can take an example of pioneers like Monika and Blackberry how they use to lead the wireless mobile market until Apple and Samsung came into the picture. Their products were absolutely satisfactory but they failed to compete with the current innovations and technology used by their competitors. Added to this quality Is always dynamic and always changes as time passes by and circumstances altered. For an example, there Is radical change in the data storage industry in last decade. If the company restricted their production to floppy discs or Cads they wouldnt have sustained as the technology drastically changed to flash storage and now cloud storage. The competitors who focus on continual improvement might produce a comparable quality. But the competitor who looks beyond Just the quality of the finished product and also focuses on the continual Improvement of the people who produce the product, the processes they use, and the environment they work in will win in the long run. The company should continuously examine its products, processes and the work environment to satisfy the customers or else someone else will. Create a manufacturing, processing, or service sector parallel for this activity. Discuss how this assignment would apply to a company. One of the biggest online bus ticketing companies called to take ten Dustless to ten next level Day utilizing zest technology available and to develop the strong management. Company hired chief operating officers and technology experts from big firms by offering high salaries. Initially company started modestly with a few seats from one bus operator and gradually expanded their horizons to almost all the bus operators country wide. In no time company has become one of the most successful online bus ticket booking agencies. With the fame they gained during initial stages, the best technology used and with the top management resources they hired by offering high salaries the companys growth boosted up instantly but they neglect to look before they leap, moving forward with plans without taking the time to realize that the base assumption of the business plan is wrong. They believe they can predict the future, and invested a lot in acquiring top resources. The company wanted their venture to be all about the technology and management, without taking time to form a balanced plan. Initially the company has not spent a dime on marketing and the growth has been entirely organic, driven by word of mouth boosted by achieving deeper engagement with existing customers. But it is not sufficient to gain the new customers and hold the old customers. The company couldnt spend on marketing and advertising on mass media including TV ads and couldnt offer any deals to the existing customers. The competitors came up with best offers and the marketing strategies and win over the current customers. Due to these circumstances the customer acquisition was slowed down, it has become increasingly harder and more expensive. The company failed to satisfy the existing customers and it has become hard for the company to maintain the top employees. Employees started looking for other sources as they couldnt find any growth in the company. Without the people, processes, and environment to turn the situation around, eventually the company has to shut down for good. Few key factors that affected the company were, emphasis on short-term profits, using only visible data and information in decision -making, and failed to manage the funds effectively.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Formal Charge Definition in Chemistry
Formal Charge Definition in Chemistry Formal charge of FC is the difference between the number of valence electrons of each atom and the number of electrons the atom is associated with. Formal charge assumes any shared electrons are equally shared between the two bonded atoms.Formal charge is calculated using the equation:FC eV - eN - eB/2 whereeV number of valence electrons of the atom as if it were isolated from the moleculeeN number of unbound valence electrons on the atom in the moleculeeB number of electrons shared by the bonds to other atoms in the molecule Formal Charge Example Calculation For example, carbon dioxide or CO2 is a neutral molecule that has 16 valence electrons. There are three different ways to draw the Lewis structure for the molecule to determine formal charge: The carbon atom may be joined to both oxygen atom via double bonds (carbon 0, oxygen 0, formal charge 0)The carbon atom may have a single bond with one oxygen atom and a double bond to the other oxygen atom (carbon 1, oxygen-double 0, oxygen-single -1, formal charge 0)The carbon atom may be joined to each oxygen atom via single bonds (carbon 2, oxygens -1 each, formal charge 0) Each possibility results in a formal charge of zero, but the first choice is the best one because it predicts no charge in the molecule. This is more stable and thus is most likely. See how to calculate formal charge with another example problem. Formal Charge Key Takeaways Formal charge (FC) is the electric charge of an atom in a molecule.It is calculated as the number of valence electrons minus half the number of electrons shared in a bond minus the number of electrons not bound in the molecule.Formal charge is used to estimate the way electric charge is distributed in a molecule.
Monday, February 17, 2020
See the attachment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
See the attachment - Assignment Example In the act, health provider should seek measures that preserve and protect human resources. It created enforcers would oversee that health providers follow the rules and regulations in their daily operations. However, since its enactment, there are few success stories associated with it. It has become expensive for companies to meet the requirements of the OSHA act. The rules, that the act issues have increased operating costs, making it difficult for companies to run affordable. In the case of violation, the company pays hefty fines within a restricted amount of time. There are additional fines for all the days that the company is unable to make right the violations. Such violation includes workplace accidents, which could be very often. It becomes difficult for companies to operate in such conditions. Mandatory employer compliance becomes a setback to people who want to start a company. This discourages entrepreneurship as entrepreneurs have a difficult time to try to play it safe (Halbert & Ingulli 2008). The regulations have increased tension between workers and employees. Although it is good to ensure that workers have proper working conditions and protection, some workers tend to take this event to their advantage. Over the years employees have taken advantage of the laws to punish employers who detest them. This is because the laws are employee friendly, making them liable to abuse from the workers. Employers have little room to have an explanation for accidents that may occur in the company. Some accidents may be because of the employees’ ignorance and carelessness, making the company to suffer for no good reason. The National Labor Relations act contains rules giving the employees excess power over work related issues. Therefore, with employees in control of the workplaces, employers have a hard time in running a company (Halbert & Ingulli 2008). The OSHA laws interfere with employment of workers in the private sector. Private companies hire
Monday, February 3, 2020
Bonus Example writing assignment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Bonus Example writing assignment - Case Study Example The additional 125% of the bonus target is being paid out to the employees due to the company’s good performance. You will appreciate that this better performance may not be achieved without the hard efforts the employees have put in. So, they deserve to enjoy a portion of company’s profits that is the result of their untiring efforts. The annual bonus payout at 125% amounts to $37,950. Besides company’s performance, the employees are also awarded with bonuses on the basis of their individual performances as per company policy. For evaluating individual performance, the company has maintained â€Å"Employee’s Performance System†through which all employees are given performance rating on the basis of their performance in the year. The bonus of the employees receiving performance rating 1 is increased by 20% and that of receiving performance rating 2 is increased by 10%. No increase in bonus is awarded to employees receiving bonus rating less than 2. The annual bonus due to performance rating is increased to $42,205. The company has a policy to accrue each year bonus using the target bonus percentage plus 1% for performance fluctuations. The accrued bonus for the year amounts to $33,760. The gross bonus payout to employees amounts to $8,445 ($42,205-$33,760). The tax is payable on bonuses on cash basis @39%. The total tax payment amounts to $3,249. Thus the net after tax bonus for the employees is $5,151. I want to further explain to you regarding the difference between the total accrual and the total bonus payout. The bonus is accrued at the percentage of target plus 1% of the annual salary. This accrual does not includes the effects of fluctuations in bonuses occurred due to company’s performance and individual performances of the employees. On the other hand, the total bonus payout is calculated after incorporating the effects of company as well as individual performances. Thus, the difference is necessarily exist between these two
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Examining The Psychological Offender Profiling Investigation Criminology Essay
Examining The Psychological Offender Profiling Investigation Criminology Essay Offender Profiling is an investigative tool that is used by psychologists to help them work out exactly why a particular crime has been committed and why a criminal is behaving in a certain way. This tool is used to research the types of crimes people are committing and how an offender picks his or her victim. This method of research also helps the Criminal Justice System at a significant degree. It enables them to make a decision based upon the research and facts, which makes the overall verdict more ethical. The aim of Offender Profiling is to go beyond the facts and develop a hypothesis about the offender. Holmes Holmes (1996) suggests three objectives to meet this aim. These are to: 1) to provide the police with basic information about the certain personality attributes of the offender such as age, family, ethnicity, employment and marital status, 2) to suggest any belongings the offender may have that would lead him to committing this crime and 3) to provide interviewing strategies and suggestions the police may use when questioning a suspect. The British approach on Offender Profiling is very different to the American approach. The British approach does not categorise crimes and try to fit them into theories but takes a more scientific approach to analysing every possible data of a crime and using these to develop the profile, whereas the American approach (FBI) to developing an offender profile is different to this. Their approach has been developed from an initial sample of interviews with 36 convicted serial sexual murderers, together with detailed information from crime scenes i.e. the location and timing of the crimes, medical examination reports, any crimes that have already been committed in the neighbourhood, the victims whereabouts and the amount of forensic awareness shown by the offender. [1] This is done in order to help them establish a bigger picture of the crime and help them identify the psychology behind it. Offender Profiling was first used in the Second World War to see if there were any weaknesses that can be exploited and enhanced for the future. For example, Langer conducted a profiling on Hitler and concluded that if he had lost the Second World War he would commit suicide. He was correct. After the defeat in 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide and passed away. Psychiatrists believe that the basic assumption of Offender Profiling is that the offenders have a certain fingerprint, in other words, certain behaviour at the crime scene which is a reflection of their personality and characteristics. For example, a criminal tying up the victim the psychological fingerprint behind this would be that the offender wants control and dominance over the offender in order to defeat them. Another example can be shown from a rape case. When an offender has committed rape they would wash the victim. The psychological fingerprint behind this would be that the criminal either feels some sort of remorse so he/she wants cleanse or that they want the case to be so inconspicuous that they even remove the victims pubic hair. How Offender Profiling influenced Courtroom The courtroom is very important in the British Criminal Justice System. There are two types of profiling techniques that are used in trials. The first is what we call deductive Offender Profiling, which concerns itself with the particular behavioural evidence of a case. Second is inductive profiling which assumes that when a criminal commits a crime, he or she will have a similar background and motive to others who have committed a similar crime. There are related problems of the use of Offender Profiling in the courtroom. The first is unawareness about the nature of Offender Profiling and physical evidence. The second is when the profilers are too zeal. When these two problems cross in a single case, it may be that an offender profiler gives opinions with strong confidence about circumstances and behaviours that are assumed and not established. [2] Interviewing Offender Profiling can help the CJS and the police in terms of suggesting effective ways of interviewing, related to specific criminal types. Not all will react to questioning in the same manner. An effective way of questioning for one person may be ineffective for someone else. This is because not all murderers commit murder for the same reason. This means depending on their reasons for committing a crime, they would need different strategies of questioning. An example can be shown by the murder of a young girl and her boyfriend in which the stepfather was the main suspect but there was no forensic evidence to convict him. When he was questioned in the usual way, he denied any involvement. The profiler suggested that as he was a man who had a great requirement for control, it would be good to ask for his help in solving the crime. Pretending to be doing this, the suspect was given lots of photographs of the crime scene and thinking he was in control of the investigation, became so o ccupied in talking about the case that he revealed more and more his knowledge with the crime until he eventually gave up and confessed. [3] Victims Offender Profiling certainly impacts victims in various ways. The most evident is that it helps police find their offender. The victim may be traumatised as a result of the offence and may feel threatened that the perpetrator will return therefore being scared to leave their home. If the offender is convicted, the victim will be relieved and at least try and continue with their normal life. Mental health Ressler (1992) says that mental health professionals have an interest in offender profiling and have also helped research in the study of criminal psychology. Thus, it is suggested that clinicians could be used to help the Criminal Justice System in suggesting ways of profiling and ways of treatment. Police Profiling can give the police a new or different direction in their attempt to catch the offender by reducing the list of suspects. This is by giving them information about the choice of victim, the location, anything that was said by the offender and the nature of the offense. These things may help to give the offender more of a personality, and thus help the police in their chase of the offender. Profiling is not aimed to tell the police who actually committed an offence; instead it aims to suggest to them some personality and demographic characteristics that the offender is likely to possess. If for example the police are investigating a number of rapes in the same area, they will be pleased to identify whether the same person has committed them. They will need to know if they should be look ing for one or several offenders. In addition, a profile can help police in reducing their list of suspects and to avoid wasting time on enquiries which are likely to be useless. If a suspe ct of the police does not match any of the profilers predictions then the police might spend less time following that particular person. In some case the profile may well fit someone whom the police already suspect and will therefore allow the police officers to concentrate their investigations on the most likely suspect. How Offender Profiling was used in real life cases During the period 1982-86, 24 sexual assaults occurred in North London near to railways. It was believed that one man committed all these crimes, though on some occasions he had someone that helped him out. Between 1985 and 1986 three murders occurred, and forensic evidence together with certain aspects of the attackers suggested that there were links between the rapes and murders. In 1986, police forces in South England were struggling to find the Railway Rapist, which then turned in to the Railway Killer. Dr. David Canter, a psychologist and criminologist was invited to compose British crimes first offender profile. When the offender, John Duffy, was later arrested and convicted, it turned out that 13 of Canters 17 announcements about the offender were correct. The case of Adrian Babb is another instance where Offender Profiling has been successful and therefore very helpful to the CJS. Between 1986 and 1988, seven attacks on elderly women took place in tower blocks in south Birmingham. Women aged 70-80 were followed into the lifts by a stocky young man who overwhelmed them and took them to the top floor of the tower block, where he raped them and escaped. The same patterns of the crimes suggested that the offense was committed by the same man. Because the criminal had a limited range of locations, victims and actions, this suggested that the offender was operating a limited world, wherein he was constrained in his actions. Victims reported the offender as black, athletic, without body scent and carrying a sports bag. He had no attempt to hide himself, thus he had no fear of being recognised and convicted. Canter labelled his approach Investigative Psychology, where he believes that offender goes beyond what he originally thought of Offender Profiling and covers a branch of applied psychology. Canter has a certain strategy that he uses within this investigation which helps him in finding the offender. He firstly tries to understand the types of crime individuals are likely to become involved in and the way the crime will be carried out. After that he tries to understand the way a criminal behaviour processes and how the crime mirrors their behaviour in their daily life. These led him to believe that there are associated activities that happen when a crime is being committed. He also believes that actions of offenders at the crime scene are likely to reveal something about their background. The important attributes Canter looks out for within his research are: location, biography, social and personal characteristics and occupational/ educational history. One other aspect of profiling is the methodological collection of data and statistical analysis. An example of this is when Canter and Heritage (1990) combed through the victim statements of 66 UK sexual assaults and with the use of statistics, they were able to identify clear patterns in the form of the attack. It is possible to group how the victim is treated in three ways, each giving clue to the offender. First is when the criminal treats the victim as a person this is when a conversation is involved in the duration of the attack, asking things to the with the womans love and personal life or complimenting her on her looks and body. This type of criminal believes that he is developing some sort of relationship with the victim and incorrectly thinks that the sexual assault produces closeness. The second is when the victim is treated as an object in this case, the victim may be blindfolded, while the offender tends to be covered. The offender here will mainly be concerned with control in the interaction of the rape. The third and final is when the victim is treated as vehicle when this is the case the offender uses violence to degrade the victim. The actions here are a mirror of the offenders anger and aggression. The third real life case I will discuss in the report is the case of Rachel Nickell, wherein Offender Profiling was used to help the police officers find the offender and help the CJS make a fair verdict. On 15th July 1992, a 23 year old model, Rachel Nickell, was walking with her son and her dog in Wimbledon Common when she was attacked and brutally killed. Alex (Nickells two year old son) was thrown into the bushes while Nickell was sexually assaulted, stabbed 49 times and had her throat cut. Another hiker who was also walking in the Common discovered Alex clinging to his mothers dead body, crying and pleading with her to get up. It was later found that Alex stuck a piece of paper on his mothers forehead in place of a plaster in attempt to make his mum better. The police tried their best to find the criminal but failed to do so. They felt under pressure and as a result, turned to a Forensic psychologist named Paul Britton, an expert in the science of Offender Profiling, and asked him to conduct an offender profile for this crime case. Britton had previously helped the police identify the killers of Jamie Bulger in Liverpool, and had worked on the Frederick West House of Horrors murders in Gloucester, and was felt to be the right man for the job. [4] A suspect was eventually identified by Britton and it was noted that he seemed to fit the profile well. A complex operation was planned by Britton, which was aiming to tempt Stagg into a confession using an undercover female police officer who faked a romantic interest in Stagg and a liking for Satanism. However, despite her efforts Stagg did not confess. Effectiveness of Offender Profiling in each case Canter (1990) is the UKs leading profiling expert; his approach looks out for the behaviour of the offender during the crime. In his approach no assumptions are made about the criminal and the approach relies heavily on facts. Canter believes that his approach has several advantages over crime scene analysis. First, his type of Offender Profiling draws directly on widely known psychological concepts. Second, his approach could be used extensively and should not be limited to just rape and murder. Finally, in his approach there is less chance for biased decision making. Canter argues that his approach is more scientific than the FBIs and as a result, his profiles are more useful in helping the police catch the actual offender and the CJS to make a fair verdict. [5] John Duffy, Railway Rapist For John Duffys case, Canter created a profile with the following key facts belonging to the rapist: The rapist would live in the area near some of the attacks. He would be living with his girlfriend or wife and will not have a child. He would be in his late 20s; his blood fluids would contain ABO antigens and he would be right-handed. He would be skilled in his job and work only at the weekends. He knows the railway system very well. He would have a criminal record of violence. This profile represents the use of behavioural characteristics to search for a criminal instead of pure forensic evidence from the crime scene. Out of 2000 suspects, Canter pinpointed the 1505th suspect, John Duffy, who was the actual offender. Duffy fit most of the profile, including a criminal conviction for raping his wife. The profile Canter developed matched 13 out of 17 details about Duffys characteristics. The remaining that didnt match Duffy was the biological characteristics; the offender was a lot shorter than victims remembered and many had described him as having black or even ginger hair. From the accuracy, it is evident that Offender Profiling has been a very effective investigative tool to use in this crime case. [6] Adrian Babb For Adrian Babbs case, Canter created a profile with the following key facts belonging to the attacker: Not violent because force is only used when necessary Athletic body suggests that that offender has an interest of solitary sports e.g. swimming or body-building Cleanliness and organisation suggests that he was obsessive No attempt to cover him or hide forensic evidence suggests that he was not aware of the procedures and therefore has not convicted before for this type of crime Ease with elderly women suggests that he dealt with elderly people in non-offence background Knowledge of tower blocks suggests that he lives in one Based on this profile, a police officer searched through the records of minor sexual offenders and found a match between Babbs fingerprints and those at the crime scene. It is evident that Offender Profiling has been a very effective tool to utilise in this case because it has helped the police catch the offender. From the above, we can see that Canters predictions were very accurate. As Canter clearly stated in the profile, the offender must have had no forensic awareness or knowledge of the likely procedures as he made no attempt to disguise himself. This was a very valuable point that led to the arrest of Babb. As Canter also predicted, Babb attended the swimming pool very often hence the cleanliness and the lack of body odour and also looked after sessions for the elderly. Rachel Nickell Brittons first task was to set up a clear picture of the kind of person Rachel was by interviewing her family and friends. His initial thoughts related to Alex, Nickells son. The fact that Alex was not harmed meant that Rachel had not known the offender and so this was not likely to be a domestic murder. The nature of the attack pointed towards a violent sexual psychopath. Based on his past interactions with sexual killers, Britton drew up a profile of the offender with the following points: The offender would be aged between 20 and 30 because the majority of sexual attacks are committed by young men He would not have the ability to relate to women in normal conversation. He would either have a history of failed or unsatisfactory relationships or no relationship history He would suffer from some form of sexual dysfunction He would be attracted to pornography which would play a role in his sexual fantasy life He would only have average intelligence and education because the attack was brutal If employed, he would work in an unskilled or labouring occupation He would be single and have a relatively isolated lifestyle He would have lonely hobbies and interests He would live within easy walking distance of Wimbledon Common and would be thoroughly familiar with it He would be very likely to kill another young woman at some point in the future. Colin Stagg was the named that cropped up four times after the murderers profile was broadcasted on Crimewatch. Stagg fitted Brittons profile precisely. During the police interview Stagg denied any involvement in the crime, but his answers to questions made stronger the match with Brittons profile. The police could find no physical evidence connecting Stagg to the murder but he remained the number one suspect. The complex operation which was planned by Britton had an adverse effect on the whole case. The evidence of Brittons profile and the information obtained from Lizzie James was thrown out of court and the defence argued that Brittons evidence was speculative and supported only by his instinct. Stagg was set free and Rachels killer was never found. This shows how Offender Profiling can be misused, misunderstood and misinterpreted if not conducted in a scientific way. Conclusion There are many arguments discussing the effectiveness of Offender Profiling, some of which are positive and some which are negative. Even though there have been less publicised cases where Offender Profiling was less accurate e.g. Copson (1995), it can still be a very useful tool in terms of helping the police find the offender. However it is important for the police to be careful not to be blinded to other possibilities. Occasionally criminals do not fit the profile and over use could lead to misjudgement of the Criminal Justice System. Offender profiling is more prediction than science based and therefore the validity is debated. Due to the fact that there is no hard evidence to work from, it is not possible to gain a definite result. Stereotype can be another factor that affects the way a criminal is profiled. For example, it may be that most rapists are single men that live on their own or with their parents but this may not always be the case and could lead to an inaccurate prof ile being created if the criminal is a married man who lives with his family. To assess the effectiveness of this investigative tool different research has been conducted. For example, Britton (1992) sent out questionnaires to the Criminal Investigation Department to identify the number of cases where an offender had been profiled led to arrest. He found that the results were mostly negative in the sense that most cases that were profiled did not lead to arrest. However, the majority of the respondents commented that it could have had a lot of potential in their experience of Offender Profiling. [7]Â
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